Open Account with Offshore Banking Unit of First Security Islami Bank PLC

Attractive Shariah Compliant Tax Free Profit

    Eligibility of open account:
  • Persons resident outside Bangladesh (Non Resident)
  • Persons of Bangladeshi origin (Bangladeshi holding foreign citizenship)
  • Foreign nationals
  • Companies/Firms registered and operating abroad
  • Foreign institutional investors
  • Type A units in Export Processing Zones (EPZs), Private EPZs, Economic Zones and Hi-tech parks in Bangladesh
  • Accounts may be opened in US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar , Singapore Dollar, Chinese Yuan & Australian Dollar
  • Period of Deposit 3 months to 5 years
  • Attractive profit Rate in Foreign currency. No VAT/Tax/ Levy on profit
  • Repatriation of Principal including profit to abroad at any time
  • Balances held in account can be used for transfer to on-shore bank accounts for meeting necessary payment and various Investments as well as enchased into BDT at any time
    Required documents:
  • National ID Card/Valid Passport
  • Resident Card/Work Permit (Foreign Nationals residing in Bangladesh)
  • 02 (Two) copies of passport size recent photograph of applicant & 1 (one) copy of passport size recent photograph of Nominee’s/ National ID Card/Valid Passport/Birth Certificate ( to be attested by the applicant)
  • Account opening Form to be filled in & signed by the applicant
  • Related documents/papers in case of company/farm/institution
  • Other papers (if required)

    Eligibility of open account:
  • Resident Bangladeshi individuals having bonafide relations with non-resident remitters
  • Corporate entities including Type-A, Type-B and Type-C industrial enterprises operating in EPZs/EZs/HTPs having bonafide relations with non-resident remitters
  • Accounts may be opened in US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar , Singapore Dollar, Chinese Yuan & Australian Dollar
  • Period of Deposit 3 months to 5 years
  • Attractive profit Rate in Foreign currency. No VAT/Tax/ Levy on profit.
  • Repatriation of Principal including profit in favor of remittance sender at any time
  • Balances held in account can be used for transfer to on-shore bank accounts for meeting necessary payment and various Investments as well as enchased into BDT at any time
  • Account can be opened easily and promptly
    Required documents:
  • National ID Card/Valid Passport
  • Resident Card/Work Permit (Foreign Nationals residing in Bangladesh)
  • 02 (Two) copies of passport size recent photograph of applicant & 1 (one) copy of passport size recent photograph of Nominee’s/ National ID Card/Valid Passport/Birth Certificate ( to be attested by the applicant)
  • Account opening Form to be filled in & signed by the applicant
  • Related documents/papers in case of company/farm/institution
  • Other papers (if required)