
Corporate News

First Security Islami Bank’s Month-long Special Customer Service Campaign has been inaugurated in its head office on 15th January 2025, Wednesday with the motto ‘New Dimension in Customer Service, Will Ensure Progress’. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the bank, has inaugurated the campaign as the chief guest.  Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee, Md. Raghib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee spoke as special guests. Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Managing Director (Current Charge) presided over the meeting along with Deputy Managing Directors Md. Masudur Rahman Shah and Md. Sirajul Islam. Divisional Heads and Senior Executives of the bank were also present. Zonal Heads, Branch Managers and Sub Branch In-charges from all over the county were connected through virtual platform in the program.


Mohammad Abdul Mannan, in his chief guest’s speech, said that First Security Islami Bank is working on outreaching its banking service to all walks of people, regardless of race-religion-colour-profession and locations, through inclusive and sustainable banking in light of the purpose of Shari’ah. He urged every employee of the bank to deliver mode tech-based banking service to common people along with Shari’ah based various deposit and investment products.

First Security Islami Bank PLC Barishal Zone organized ‘Business Review Meeting’ at hotel in Barishal on 20 December 2024, Friday. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the bank was present in the program as Chief Guest. He instructed all the officials to work with professionalism and giving utmost priority in welfare banking. He also emphasized on investing deposits in respective areas from where collected, generating new employment and expanding investment on productive SME and agricultural sectors.


Presided over by Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director, the program was addressed by Md. Abdus Salam, Executive Vice President, Shah Sarwar Mustafa Abul Ulayee, Senior Vice President and Md. Abdur Rouf, Head of Barishal Zone among others. Managers and Manager Operations of 14 branches and In-charges of 14 Sub-Branch under Barishal zone participated in the meeting.

The 280th meeting of Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank PLC was held recently at FSIB Head Office, Dhaka with Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the Board in the chair. Md. Azizur Rahman, Vice Chairman, Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee, Md. Raghib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee, Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director and Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secretary of the bank were present in the meeting.


In the meeting, Sajjad Hossain, Additional Director and Md. Mosharraf Hossain, Joint Director of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) conducted session on the issues titled ‘AML & CFT Awareness Program for Board of Directors’. Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Additional Managing Director, Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director and CAMLCO, Md. Habibur Rahman, Director General (Current Charge), FSIB Training and Research Academy, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Head of AML & CFT Division and DCAMLCO were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. (FSIB) organized ‘Annual Risk Conference 2024’ on 8 December 2024, Sunday by using virtual platform with the participation of all conce ed officials of the bank. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank presided over the program while A. N. M. Moinul Kabir, Director (DOS), Bangladesh Bank was present as a chief guest. Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Additional Managing Director delivered welcome speech in the conference. Mahmuda Haque, Joint Director (DOS), Bangladesh Bank conducted session on the topic titled ‘Risk Management in Banking Activities’. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Md. Sirajul Islam and Md. Akmal Hossain, Deputy Managing Directors, Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute, Ali Nahid Khan, Head of Risk Management Division, Zonal Heads, related Divisional Heads of Head Office, Branch Managers and Manager Operations of the bank participated in the conference.

First Security Islami Bank inaugurated Chinatola Bazar Agent Banking Outlet under Keshabpur branch, Jashore on 27 October 2024, Sunday with a view to providing Shariah based mode banking services to rural clients. Ahmed Ashique Raazi, Head of Khulna Zonal Office inaugurated the outlet as a chief guest. Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alte ative Delivery Channel Division, G. M. Mustafa Monwar, Manager, Keshabpur Branch, Maulana Rafiqul Islam, Teacher, Babu Sukumar Dey, local businessman along with other local elites were present in the occasion. Customers are availing cash deposit and withdrawal, online banking and remittance services from the day inauguration of the aforesaid agent outlet.

First Security Islami Bank inaugurated Tomaltola More Bazar Agent Banking Outlet on 20 October 2024, Sunday with a view to providing Shariah based mode banking services to rural clients. Md. Rezaul Islam, Head of Rajshahi Zonal Office inaugurated the outlet as a chief guest. Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alte ative Delivery Channel Division, Md. Nur-E-Alam Siddique, Manager, Dhupoil Bazar Branch, Md. Sazzadur Rahman Sazzad, President, Bagatipara Shikkhok Samity, Md. Sajibur Rahman Sajib, Lecturer, Natore City College along with other local elites were present in the occasion. Customers will avail cash deposit and withdrawal services, online banking services and remittance services from the aforesaid agent banking outlet.

A meeting of Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank was held on 06 October 2024, Sunday at the board room of FSIB Head Office, Dhaka with Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the Board, in the chair. The Board expressed its satisfaction over wholehearted performance of all workforces of the Bank in recovering defaulted investments of more than Tk.500 crore in last one month and dealing with liquidity crisis. Md. Azizur Rahman, Vice Chairman, Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee, Md. Saiful Alam Ph.D, FCMA, Chairman of Risk Management Committee, Md. Ragib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee, Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director and Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secretary of the bank were present in the meeting.

First Security Islami Bank’s Board of Directors meeting held on 26 September 2024, Thursday at the board room of FSIB Head Office, Dhaka. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank presided over the meeting. Md. Azizur Rahman, Vice Chairman, Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee, Md. Saiful Alam Ph.D, FCMA, Chairman of Risk Committee, Md. Ragib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee, Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director and Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secretary of the bank were present in the meeting.

AburnReza Md. Yeahia has joined First Security Islami Bank PLC as AdditionalrnManaging Director. Prior to joining here, he served as Additional ManagingrnDirector of Social Islami Bank PLC and Deputy Managing Director of Islami BankrnPLC. During his 35 years of banking career he worked as Company Secretary,rnCAMELCO and Chief Law Officer and demonstrated expertise in the International BankingrnDivision, Development Wing, Retail Investment Wing and Legal Department in theserntwo banks. He started his career in 1989 by joining Islami Bank Bangladesh PLCrnas a Probationary Officer. Mr. Yeahia obtained LL.B (Hon’s) and LL.M degreesrnfrom the University of Dhaka. He visited many countries including USA, China,rnSingapore, KSA, Oman and UAE to attend different seminars, symposium and tornencourage expatriates Bangladeshis to remit their income to the country throughrnBanking channels. The books- ‘Teksoi Banking’, ‘The Art of Happy Life’ and ‘Fitnessrner Satkahon’ of Mr. Yeahia are gained popularity among the readers. He is arnDhaka University alumni.

নবী দিবস উপলক্ষ্যে ‘মহানবী (স.) এর অর্থনৈতিক আদর্শ’ বিষয়ে এক আলোচনা মাহফিল ফার্স্ট সিকিউরিটি ইসলামী ব্যাংকের হেড অফিসে ১৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, সোমবার অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। ডিজিটাল প্লাটফর্ম ও সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমে সরাসরি সম্প্রচারিত এ মাহফিলে প্রধান অতিথি ছিলেন ব্যাংকের চেয়ারম্যান মোহাম্মদ আবদুল মান্নান। ব্যাংকের এক হাজারের বেশি কর্মকর্তার অংশগ্রহণে এ মাহফিলে প্রধান অতিথি বলেন, ফার্স্ট সিকিউরিটি ইসলামী ব্যাংক মহানবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স.) এর অর্থনৈতিক আদর্শ বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে দেশের আর্থ-সামাজিক উন্নয়নে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভ‚মিকা পালন করছে।  তিনি সম্পদের ন্যায়ভিত্তিক বন্টনের মাধ্যমে অর্থনৈতিক ক্ষেত্রে বৈষম্য দূর করে একটি সুষম ও দরদী সমাজ প্রতিষ্ঠায় ব্যাংকের সকল কর্মীকে পূর্ণদ্দোমে কাজ করার আহবান জানান।  

‘ফার্স্ট সিকিউরিটি ইসলামী ব্যাংক হবে প্রতিটি পরিবারের প্রয়োজন পূরণের প্রতিষ্ঠান’ উল্লেখ করে ব্যাংকের চেয়ারম্যান ইসলামী অর্থনীতির বন্টননীতি অনুসরণ করে স্থানীয়ভাবে সংগৃহীত আমানত সংশ্লিষ্ট এলাকায় বিনিয়োগ করে অঞ্চলগত বৈষম্য দূর করতে সংশ্লিষ্টদের নির্দেশনা দেন।  

সভায় আলোচকবৃন্দ রাসুল (স.) এর জীবনাদর্শের নানা দিক তুলে ধরে আর্থিকখাতে তাঁর অর্থনৈতিক দর্শন বাস্তবায়নে কাজ করার আহবান জানান। মহাগ্রন্থ আল-কুরআন ও রাসুলের জীবনাদর্শ দিয়ে জগৎবাসীর জন্য বৈষম্যহীন এক দরদী সমাজ প্রতিষ্ঠার লক্ষেই ইসলামী ব্যাংকব্যবস্থার উদ্ভব হয়েছে উল্লেখ করে বক্তারা এই আদর্শিক ব্যাংকব্যবস্থার সফল বাস্তবায়ন ও প্রসারে আরো অগ্রণী ভ‚মিকা পালনের আহবান জানান।  

তারা বলেন, ইসলামী অর্থব্যবস্থার পথ ধরে বৈশি^ক পরিমন্ডলে ইসলামী ব্যাংকব্যবস্থা তার অবস্থান সুদৃঢ় করেছে। এর ধারাবাহিক সফলতায় ফার্স্ট সিকিউরিটি ইসলামী ব্যাংক শরীয়াহ পরিপালনে শতভাগ প্রতিশ্রæতি নিয়ে প্রযুক্তিসমৃদ্ধ উন্নত ও আধুনিক ব্যাংকিং সেবা গ্রহণে গ্রাহকদের প্রতি আহবান জানান তাঁরা।  

ব্যাংকের ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক সৈয়দ ওয়াসেক মোঃ আলী’র সভাপতিত্বে মাহফিলে অন্যান্যের মধ্যে আলোচনা করেন ব্যাংকের পরিচালক পর্ষদের সদস্যবৃন্দ, অতিরিক্ত ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালকদ্বয়, উপব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালকদ্বয়সহ অন্যান্য নির্বাহীবৃন্দ। মাহফিলে মুনাজাত পরিচালনা করেন ব্যাংকের শরীয়াহ কাউন্সিলের সদস্য সচিব মওলানা এম শামাউন আলী।  

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A meeting of exchange of views of First Security Islami Bank's new Board of Directors with bank’s Management, Divisional Heads, Zonal Heads and Branch Managers was held on September 07, Saturday by using digital platform. Hon’ble Chairman Mohammad Abdul Mannan, one of the pioneers of Islamic banking in the country was present as Chief Guest. Md. Azizur Rahman, Vice Chairman and former Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank, Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee and former DMD of Uttara Bank, Md. Saiful Alam, PhD, FCMA, Chairman of Risk Management Committee and Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Information Department, Dhaka University and Md. Ragib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee were present as Special Guest. The meeting was presided over by Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank. Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Additional Managing Director along with Deputy Managing Directors were also present in the program. At the beginning of the meeting, the martyrs of the anti-discrimination movement of the country were remembered with special respect and decided to play a leading role in eliminating discrimination in the financial sector of the country. To improve the overall operations of the bank, solve the liquidity crisis and recover the defaulted investments, the chief guest appealed to all employees of the bank to make the month-long 'Recovery Drive' program successful. He said that, a new enthusiasm is being noticed to develop the overall activities of First Security Islami Bank after the formation of the new board. The Bank has started to move forward by overcoming the problem of centralized investment of deposits that were kept in the hands of a few people in certain areas. He requested to ensure non-discriminatory economic development by investing the deposits in the same region from where it was collected. He appealed to reach these 20 lac clients bank into the bank of all citizen of the country by increasing investment in small, cottage and medium industry sector and play an effective role in fulfilling the bank's goals by improving the overall quality of customer service. He instructed to open ‘expatriate customer service desk’ in the branches to encourage remittance flow in the country through legal channels. Referring to the firm commitment of the current board to protect the interests of all depositors, the Chairman requested the manpower of the bank to work with enthusiasm and lead the bank into the best Shariah bank. He said, from now on, no deviation in compliance with Shariah will be tolerated in the bank's operations. Apart from the Special Guests, Additional Managing Directors, Deputy Managing Directors, Zonal Heads, Divisional Heads, Branch Managers and Manager Operations given their speech in the meeting.

The 1st meeting of new Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank was held in the bank's boardroom on September 04, Wednesday and Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the bank presided over the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the chairman presented the background of reformation of the Board of Directors of the bank and expressed firm hope that First Security Islami Bank will tu up with a good shape very soon and will be able to play a positive and strong role in the country's economy and business.


Hon’ble Chairman said that the current board of directors has already started working intensively to protecting the interests of all the stakeholders including more than 20 lac clients of the bank. He appealed to all the manpower of the bank to contribute with integrity, efficiency and professionalism to reach the benefits of banking activities to the doorsteps of the clients by complying the principles of Shariah, the code of conduct of ethical banking and ensuring inclusive customer service. He hoped that, with the grace of Almighty Allah and public support, rapid development, transparency, accountability and good gove ance will be ensured in the overall activities of the bank under the new leadership.


In the meeting, several important decisions were taken after reviewing the overall activities of the bank. Md. Azizur Rahman as Vice Chairman, Md. Abdul Quddus as Chairman of Executive Committee, Md. Saiful Alam as Chairman of Risk Committee and Md. Ragib Ahsan as Chairman of Audit Committee were nominated in the meeting.

First Meeting of new Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank held on 04 September 2024 at FSIB Head Office, Dhaka. Mr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Hon’ble Chairman of the Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank PLC presided over the meeting. Among others, the independent directors-Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Mr. Md. Saiful Alam, PhD., FCMA, Mr. Md. Raghib Ahsan, FCA and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Oli Kamal, FCS, Company Secretary of the bank were present in the meeting. At the beginning of his speech, the Hon’ble Chairman said that First Security Islami Bank is a bank of trust and love of 20 lac clients. The Board will act as the representative of the clients. Protecting the interests of the clients is the main objective of the board in view of starting its activities very soon. Hon’ble Chairman expressed that under the leadership of the board the bank would tu ed up with a good shape of successful ideal islami bank. The prime goal is to establish the First Security Islami Bank as a model bank among the Shariah-based banks of the country. He expressed hope that the board would protect the interest of every clients and this liquidity crisis would overcome very soon. Therefore, he appealed to the respected clients for patience and kind cooperation for their interest. Apart this, he emphasized on paying utmost importance to recover the defaulted investments, maintaining proper rules and regulations in the new investments and ensuring transparency, accountability and good gove ance in every activities of the bank. Besides, the meeting reviewed the overall activities of the bank and discussed the future plan of action.

Mr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan joined as the Chairman of the reformed Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank PLC. He obtained his Master of Social Sciences (MSS) from University of Dhaka. Mr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan served as the Managing Director of Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC. for a long time. He received the best award among the selected CEOs in the Asia Pacific and Mediterranean region 'The Asian Banker CEO Leadership Achievement Award-2016'. He also achieved, Sarder Patel Award 2016, Islamic Banking Award 2013, Remittance Ambassador of Bangladesh-2012.


He attended as guest speaker at different inte ational conferences of IDB Group (2010, 2011, 2012, 2016), Asian Development Bank (2013), Islamic Financial Services Board (2013), World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF), (2014) Fleming Gulf FZE (2010) and also attended different inte ational conference and seminars hosted by IDB, Bank Negara, IFSB, AAOIFI, CIBAFI etc,


He also participated in the CEO Leadership development programs at INSEAD Business School, France, UC Berkley, San Francisco, USA, University of Oxford, UK, Columbia University, New York, USA, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK,.


As a Chairman of the reformed Board of Directors of the bank, he expressed his wishes that although there are some unexpected events, First Security Islami Bank will soon overcome this crisis and transform into a strong and customer-friendly bank. He said, Islamic banking system is a partnership relationship between the bank and the customer. Based on this relationship, through mutual cooperation, the bank will grow into one of the Shariah banks in the country. He expressed firm belief that financial transparency, accountability and good gove ance will be ensured at every level of the bank to protect customer deposits and trust.


The other members of the Board are- Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman. Former Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Former DMD of Uttara Bank PLC., Mr. Md. Saiful Alam, PhD., FCMA, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Information System, Dhaka University and Mr. Md. Raghib Ahsan, FCA, Chartered Accountant.

First Security Islami Bank handed over Investment Cheque to clients on the occasion of International SME Day. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank handed over the investment cheque to its SME clients in a simple ceremony organized in this regard at FSIB Head Office. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah and Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Shafaiat Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of SME and Agricultural Investment Division, concerned Branch Mangers of the bank along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. achieved 1st position for collecting the highest bill amongst 40 banks selected by Dhaka WASA to collect bill in the financial year 2022-2023. It is the 5th time to place 1st position consecutively for First Security Islami Bank in collecting Dhaka WASA bill. A program titled Dhaka WASA Bill Collection Award was held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka on 10 March 2024 and Chief Guest Mr. Md. Tazul Islam, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives handed over the certificate and crest to Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Managing Director (Current Charge), First Security Islami Bank PLC. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim, Secretary, Local Government Division, Dr. Md. Khairuzzaman Mozumder, Secretary, Finance Division, Professor Dr. Sujit Kumar Bala, Chairman, Dhaka WASA Board were present as Special Guest. The program was presided over by Engr. Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director, Dhaka WASA. First Security Islami Ban

First Security Islami Bank achieved Most Innovative Islami Bank-Excellence in Banking Award-2024 of Bangladesh International Fame Award-2024 organized by Global Brands. The award was given to First Security Islami Bank in recognition of its outstanding contribution in view of promoting the digital banking services through providing modern technology-based quality customer services. Mr. AKM Mozammel Haque MP, Honble Minister, Ministry of Liberation War Affairs handed over the crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank PLC in a award giving program organized in this regard at Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka. Among others, Mr. M A Mannan MP, Former Minister, Ministry of Planing, Mr. Raju Alim, President of Global Brands and Adviser of BIFA along with other officials were present in the program. First Security Islami Bank also obtained internationally renowned and prestigious ISO 27001:2013 certificate for its technology based saf

First Security Islami Bank organized a seminar on payment of various school fees through Mobile Financial Service First Cash at Keshabpur of Jashore. The teachers of 147 schools participated in the seminar. It was given direction on various aspects of school fees payment through First Cash and transactions through mobile financial services and its importance were discussed in the seminar. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank PLC presided over the program and Mr. Md. Tuhin Hossain, UNO, Keshabpur was present as chief guest. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Akram Hossain Khan, Upazilla Secondary Education Officer, Mr. Ahmed Ashique Raazi, Khulna Zonal Head, Mr. Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division, Mr. G. M. Mustafa Monwar, Manager, Keshabpur Branch were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. (FSIB) has been awarded for being one of the highest taxpayers in banking sector for 2022-23 fiscal year at the Large Taxpayers Unit (LTU). Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the First Security Islami Bank PLC received the award of recognition from Mr. Syed Mohammad Abu Daud, Memebr (Tax Administration and HRM), NBR. Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Member (Tax Appeal and Exemption), NBR, Mr. Md. Iqbal Bahar, Commissioner of Taxes, Large Taxpayers Unit (LTU) and Mr. Muhammad Khalid Mahmud FCA, Head of Finance and Accounts Division, FSIB along with officials of Large Taxpayers Unit were present in the award giving ceremony.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. arranged Doa-Mahfil on the occasion of Happy New Year 2024. A program was organized in this regard at FSIB Head Office. On the occasion, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of valued clients, shareholders, regulatory authorities, well-wishers & employees of the bank and wished their good health & success. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other officials were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank PLC launched mobile apps ?dCloud? for extended digital financial services on 24th December 2023 in a simple ceremony organized at FSIB Head Office. The dCloud apps contains the services- new account opening, fund transfer facilities, add money from cards, utility bill payment, mobile recharge, investment facilities for the bank?s clients and so on. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank PLC presided over the program and Mr. Md. Adil Hossain Nobel, CEO & MD, AxEnTec PLC, Mr. Hasib Mustabsir, CEO and MD, RedDot Digital were present as special guest. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. (FSIB) organized Annual Risk Conference 2023 with the participation of all concerned officials of the bank. Mr. Md. Zabdul Islam, Director (DOS), Bangladesh Bank inaugurated the program as a chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIB presided over the program. Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director delivered welcome speech and Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director delivered his valuable speech on risk management issues. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director and CRO of FSIB delivered winding up speech in the program. Dr. Kazi Arif-Uz-Zaman, Additional Director (DOS), Bangladesh Bank conducted session in the workshop on the topic of risk management in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, SVP and Head of Risk Management Division, Zonal Heads, related officials of the Head Office participated in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. (FSIB) organized a workshop by using digital platform on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism titled ?BAMLCO Conference-2023? with the participation of all Branch Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officers (BAMLCOs) of the bank. Mr. Md. Masud Biswas, Head of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) inaugurated the workshop as a chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIB presided over the workshop. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director and CAMLCO of FSIB delivered winding up speech in the program. Mr. Syed Kamrul Islam, Additional Director, BFIU and Mr. Khandakar Ashif Rabbani, Joint Director, BFIU conducted several sessions in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, EVP a

First Security Islami Bank PLC. celebrated its 24th Anniversary on 25 October 2023 in a simple ceremony organized at Head Office, Dhaka. On this precious day, Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of Valued Clients, Shareholders, Regulatory Authorities, Well Wishers & Employees of the bank. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Mumammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other officials were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved prestigious ?VISA Payment Excellence Awards-2023? for the category of ?Excellence in Debit Cards? among the associated members of VISA Inc. Mr. M. A. Mannan, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Planning handed over the award to Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. in the program of ?VISA Leadership Conclave 2023? held at the Sheraton Dhaka, Banani. Among others, Mr. Thanbir Ahamed Chowdhury, Senior Vice President & Head of Card Division, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Soumya Basu, Country Manager for Bangladesh, Nepal & Bhutan at VISA along with other officials were was present in the program.

The inauguration ceremony of First Security Islami Bank presents Global Money Week-2023 held at 71 auditorium of Daffodil Education Network. Based on the theme ?Plan Your Money, Plant Your Future?? in tandem with 176 countries around the world, Daffodil International University and Bangladesh Skill Development Institute jointly organized the festival to create financial awareness among the younger generation where First Security Islami Bank Ltd. is the chief patron of the festival. Global Money Week will be celebrated till March 20-26, 2023 for inspiring and trained up the youth to become economical, frugal and entrepreneurial. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL), Prof. Dr. Golam Rahman, Editor, Ajker Patrika, Media Personality Dr. Abdun Noor Tusher, Mr Debashis Roy, National Project Ma

First Security Islami Bank PLC. achieved 1st position for collecting the highest bill amongst 34 banks selected by Dhaka WASA to collect bill in the financial year 2021-2022. It is the 4th time to place 1st position consecutively for First Security Islami Bank in collecting Dhaka WASA bill. A program titled Dhaka WASA Bill Collection Award was held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka on 16 March 2023 and Chief Guest Mr. Md. Tazul Islam, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives handed over the certificate and crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury, Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim, Secretary, Local Government Division, Dr. Engr. Gholam Mostofa, Chairman, Dhaka WASA Board were present as Special Guest. The program was presided over by Engr. Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director, Dhaka WASA. First Security Islami Bank recei

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a workshop named Risk Conference-2022 with the participation of Banks concerned officers. Mr. Md. Anwarul Islam, Executive Director, Department of Off-Site Supervision (DOS) of Bangladesh Bank was inaugurated the program as chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. presided over the program. Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL delivered his welcome speech and Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer of the Bank delivered winding up speech in the workshop. Dr. Kazi Arif-Uz-Zaman, Additional Director and Ms. Shirajum Munira, Joint Director, DOS, Bangladesh Bank conducted several sessions in the workshop on the topic of risk management in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Mohammad Nasim Gawhar, Head of Risk Management Division, Zonal Heads, Divisional Heads of Head office and Branch Managers were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism titled ?BAMLCO Conference-2022? with the participation of all Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officers (BAMLCOs) of the bank. Mr. Md. Masud Biswas, Head of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) inaugurated the workshop as a chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL presided over the workshop. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director and CAMLCO of FSIBL delivered welcome speech in the program. Mr. Kamal Hossain, Additional Director, BFIU and Mr. Mohammad Main Uddin, Joint Director, BFIU conducted several sessions in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, EVP and Head of AML & CFT Division, Zonal Heads and Divisional Heads of Head office wer

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 23rd Anniversary on 25 October 2022 in a simple ceremony organized at it?s Head Office. ?On the occasion of 23rd anniversary, the bank arranged free thalassemia screening and awareness camp, program for children of special needs and disabilities, a daylong amusement program at Fantasy Kingdom, Dhaka and Foy?s Lake, Chattogram. On this precious day, Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of Valued Clients, Shareholders, Regulatory Authorities, Well Wishers & Employees of the bank. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Mumammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Zonal Heads of Dhaka South and North Zone and Divisional Heads of Head Office were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a daylong workshop on Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism with the participation of Cumilla zone officials of the bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest in the program. Several sessions were conducted in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Kazi Motaher Hossain, Head of Human Resources Division, Mr. S. M. Azharul Islam, Head of International Division, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Head of AML & CFT Division, Mr. Shamsul Karim Mazumder, Cumilla Zonal Head along with other officials of the Head Office of the bank were present in the program.

The three-day long Bangladeshi Immigrant Day and Trade Fair 2022 was organized at the New York Marriott Marquis, United States of America. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. sponsored the conference Legal Remittance Flow: Keeping Bangladesh Economy Stable of this program. Dr. Atiur Rahman, noted economist and former governor of Bangladesh Bank attended the conference as the chief guest. In the speech of the chief guest, he said that a new door has been opened for Bangladeshis through this event which would help make Bangabandhus Sonar Bangla, adding that in the golden jubilee of independence, this event would play an important role in the business and cultural development of the two countries in continuation of the long 50 years of good relations between Bangladesh and the USA. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. delivered a speech in the conference as a special guest and key-note speaker. He said that, remittance flow through legal channel

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism with the participation of Rajshahi zone officials of the bank. Mr. Md. Abdul Hakim, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank Rangpur was presend as Chief Guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL was presided over the program. Several sessions were conducted in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. S. M. Azharul Islam, Head of International Division, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Head of AML & CFT Division, Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam, Rajshahi Zonal Head along with other officials of the bank were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop on SME and Agricultural Investment Target Achievement with the participation of Sylhet zone officials of the bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL inaugurated the workshop as a Chief Guest. Several sessions were conducted in the workshop on the topic of investment target set by Bangladesh Bank and its disbursement and achievement in agricultural sector and cottage, micro, small and medium sector. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Kazi Motaher Hossain, Head of Human Resources Division, Mr. S M Azharul Islam, Head of International Division, Mr. Shafaiat Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of SME and Agricultural Investment Division, Mr. Foysal Ahmed, Sylhet Zonal Head along with other officials of the bank were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved ?Global Brands Digital Banking Award-2022? of Bangladesh International Fame Award-2022 organized by Global Brands. The award was given to First Security Islami Bank in recognition of its outstanding contribution in view of promoting the digital banking through providing modern technology based quality customer services. Chief Guest Mr. Mustafa Jabbar, Hon?ble Minister, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology handed over the crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited in the award giving program organized in this regard on 28 June 2022 at Pan Pasific Sonargaon Dhaka. Among others, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank along with other officials was present in the program. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. also obtained internationally renowned and prestigious ISO 27001:2013 certificate for its technology based safe banking services.

The closing and award giving ceremony of First Security Islami Bank presents Global Money Week-2022 held at 71 auditorium of Daffodil Education Network. Based on the theme ?Build your future, Be smart about money? in tandem with 176 countries around the world, Daffodil International University and Bangladesh Skill Development Institute jointly organized the festival to create financial awareness among the younger generation where First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was chief patron of the festival. It is to be noted that, in the year 2015 and 2017, Bangladesh has twice been awarded and recognized for its outstanding contribution in creating financial literacy among the young generation by competing with 160 countries of the world. Dr. Shaikh Shamsuddin Ahmed, Commissioner, Bangladesh Security Exchange Commission was present in the closing and award giving ceremony as the chief guest. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Professor Dr. Md. Masum Iqba

First Security Islami Bank Limited signed a corporate health care agreement with Padma Diagnostic Center Ltd. for discounted medical treatment facilities for FSIBL employees and their dependents. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Abdus Sayem, General Manager (Accounts & Finance) of Padma Diagnostic Center Ltd. exchanged the agreement letter on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Kazi Motaher Hossain, EVP and Head of Human Resources Division, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Head of ICT Division, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, Head of Marketing and Business Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Md. Habibul Islam Rubel, Chief Executive (Information Management), Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Khan, Chief Executive (Admin) of Padma Diagnostic Center Ltd. along with other officials were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has won the Trophy of Corporate Cricket Tournament, Season-3 held on February 26, 2022 at Dhaka and it is the consecutive 2nd times of wining of such type of trophy. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. defeated Edison Group by 5 Wickets. Edison Group won the toss and scored 121 Runs by losing 9 Wickets. Then First Security Islami Bank reached the target in 16.1 Over?s only by losing 5 wickets. Mr. Mohiuddin Hasan Zisan declared as the Man of the Match for taking 2 Wickets for 17 Runs and Mr. Arif Newaz scored the highest 38 Runs. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was present in the prize giving ceremony. The officials from the bank's head office and branches gathered in the field to encourage the players.

On the eve of Language Day, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. unwrapped a book- Byboharik Banking Shabdokosh (Practical Banking Dictionary). Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank unwrapped the books. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Training Institute, Maulana M. Shamaun Ali, Member Secretary, Shariah Council along with other high officials were present on the occasion. A Doa Mahfil was organized in this regard. The book will not only help bankers in providing modern, innovative and creative banking services to their workplaces and customers, but will also be instrumental in imparting knowledge to the students studying banking. The book covers a wide range of traditional banking as well as various terms of Islamic banking. As a result, this dictionary written in mother tongue will be very useful for any competitive exa

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has been awarded ?Shariah Compliant Modern Bank of the Year? in Bangladesh Excellence Award-2021 organized by Bangladesh American Chamber of Commerce. Chief Guest Mr. M. A. Mannan, M.P, Hon?ble Minister, Ministry of Planning handed over the crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited in the award giving program organized in this regard on January 28, 2022 at Intercontinental Dhaka. Among others, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank along with other officials was present in the program. On the occasion of Golden Jubilee of independence and Mujib Shotobarsho, the program awarded and recognized 50 personalities and institutions for their remarkable contributions in their sectors.

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 22nd Anniversary on 25 October, 2021 in a simple ceremony organized at it?s Head Office. The bank is providing shariah based modern banking services to clients since its inception. The bank has 193 branches, 122 Sub branches, 65 Agent Banking Outlets, 192 own ATM network throughout the country and also providing Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, School Banking services. On the occasion of 22nd anniversary, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank, Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd., Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s) and Divisional Heads were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited brought out a rally and paid tribute to Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on his 46th death anniversary. On the National Mourning Day on 15th August, the mourning rally was led by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and ended at Dhanmondi 32. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office and Zonal Heads along with other officials were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 21st?Anniversary on?25 October, 2020 in?a simple ceremony organized at it?s Head Office. The bank is providing shariah based modern banking services to clients since its inception. The bank has 184 branches, 22 Sub branches, 37 Agent Banking Outlets, 160 own ATM network throughout the country and also providing Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, School Banking services. On the occasion of 21st?anniversary, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank, Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd., Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s) and Divi

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. donated Ambulance to Rotary Health Center, Jashore which is operated under the supervision of Rotary Club of Jashore. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over the aforesaid Ambulance to the representative of Rotary Club of Jashore in a program organized in this regard at the Bank?s head office on 22 September 2020. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Akiz Uddin, SVP & PS to Hon?ble Chairman of the Bank and other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. distributed Mask to general public to prevent world pandemic Corona Virus (Covid-19). Bangladesh Rugby Federation Union is implementing the program by the financial assistance of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Shahazada Basunia, SVP & Head of Public Affairs and Brand Communication Division inaugurated the program at Gulshan area of the capital city. Among others, Mr. Mousum Ali, General Secretary of Bangladesh Rugby Federation Union and other officials of the bank were participated in the program.

Management of the bank has recognized its ICT Personnel who are working behind FSIBL CLOUD & Yellow Pages apps in an informal Ceremony.?Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd was present to handover the reward to the members of the CLOUD and Yellow Page team. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, VP & Head of ICT Division along with other high officials were present on the ceremony. The nominated FSIBL CLOUD & Yellow Pages Team members are (from left respectively): MR. Md. Habibur Rahman Mollah (SPO), Mr. Sheikh Md. Towhidul Hoque (SO),?Ms. Shamima Nasreen (JO), Mr. Shahed Al Hasan (Officer),?Mr. Rupam Das (SO), & Mr. A.Q.M. Muktadir (AO).

For the death of 2 employees of First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Padma Islami Life Insurance Ltd. handed over Insurance Coverage to their families under the group insurance coverage agreement done in this regard. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Morshed Alam Siddiqui, Managing Director & CEO (CC) of Padma Islami Life Insurance Ltd. handed over the cheque to the respective families in a program organized in this regard at FSIBL Head Office. Among others, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Md. Nur Nabi (Manik), DGM & Head of Customer Service of Padma Islami Life Insurance Ltd. along with other high officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Celebrated 100th Birth Anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. A program was organized in this regard on 18 March 2020 at its head office located at Rangs RD Center, Block # SE(F), Plot # 03, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212 where Hon?ble Members of the Board of Director Mr. Ahmed Muktadir Arif, Mr. Khandkar Iftekhar Ahmad, Dr. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed, Mr. Mollah Fazle Akbar, Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin and Managing Director Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali were present. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of the head office along with all officials were present in the program. All branches of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. simultaneously celebrated the 100th Birth Anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated Mujib Corner on March 14, 2020 at its Agrabad Branch, Chattogram. Mr. Mohammed Abdul Maleque, Vice Chairman of the bank inaugurated the Mujib Corner. Among others, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head along with other high officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop for all of its Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officers (BAMLCOs), Divisional Heads and Managers of difference branches on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism named BAMLCO Conference-2020 on 29 February, 2020 held at Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort. Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Head of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) inaugurated the workshop. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL delivered his welcome speech in the program. Mr. Md. Eskandar Miah, ED & Deputy Head of BFIU and Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain Chowdhury, GM and Operational Head of BFIU were also present in the workshop as special guest. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director and CAMLCO of FSIBL presided over the workshop. Md. Rokanuzzaman, DGM, BFIU; Mr. Md. Masud Rana, JD, BFIU; Mr. Md. Rokon-Uz-Zaman, DD, BFIU, BB conducted several sessions in the workshop on the topic of Prevention of Trade

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) recently organized workshop titled ?Annual Risk Conference-2020? for its Officers at Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort. Mr. Md. Masud Biswas, ED, Department of Off-Site Supervision of Bangladesh Bank was present as chief guest in the program and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL delivered his welcome speech in the program. The program was presided over by Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, FSIBL. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, FSIBL, Mr. Md. Aminur Rahman DGM, Department of Off- Sight Supervision of Bangladesh Bank along with high officials were present in the program. In the conference, several sessions were conducted on the topic of Risk management & its Effectiveness in Banking Sector, Risk Based Capital Adequacy Assessment under Basel III etc.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd.?s back to back win at Bashundhara Bankers Championship Trophy-2020 against NRB Bank held on 21 February 2020 at City Club Ground, Mirpur, Dhaka. NRB Bank scored 145-8 in their 20 over match. In reply, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. scored 146-3 in 17.4 over. Mr. Md. Saddam Hossain of First Security Islami Bank has been declared as the Man of the Match for his unbeaten 49 Runs from 27 Balls. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. along with other officials inspired the players by being present in the ground.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. won by 18 runs against Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. at Bankers Championship Trophy-2020 held on 15 February 2020 at City Club Ground, Mirpur. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. scored 207-3 in their 20 over match. In reply, Islami Bank Bangladesh Bank Ltd. scored 189-9 in 20 over. Mr. Bipan Kanti Sheel of First Security Islami Bank has been declared as the Man of the Match for his unbeaten 94 Runs. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. along with other officials inspired the players by being present in the ground.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved 1st position for collecting the highest bill amongst 33 banks selected by Dhaka WASA to collect bill in the financial year 2018-19. A program titled Dhaka WASA Bill Collection Award was held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka on 14 September 2019 and Chief Guest Mr. Md. Tazul Islam, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of LGRD&C handed over the certificate and crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Honorable Secretary, Ministry of LGRD&C was present as Special Guest. The program was presided over by Eng. Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director, Dhaka WASA. First Security Islami Bank receives Dhaka WASA bills as real time basis through any FSIBL Branch, Mobile Financial Services ?FirstPay SureCash? and Mobile Apps ?FSIBL Cloud?.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism for BAMLCOs of the bank on 27 July, 2019. Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Head of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) inaugurated the workshop. Meanwhile, he inaugurated the integration of Online Compliance Tools, PEPs & IPs Data, Adverse Media Report collected from UK based data service provider Accuity Ltd. in bank?s existing Sanction Screening System. Mr. Md. Eskandar Miah, ED & Deputy Head of BFIU, Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain Chowdhury, GM and Operational Head of BFIU; Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were also present as special guest in the workshop. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director and CAMLCO of FSIBL presided over the workshop. Among others, Mr. Shamsul Huda, EVP, IBB Ltd., Mr. Md. Mohsin Hosainee, DGM, BFIU, Mr. Md. Abdur Rob, JD, BFIU, Mr. Md. Rokon-Uz-Zaman, DD, BFIU, BB were pr

Award of Integrity-2018 has been given to the executives and officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited as per the BRPD Circular No.-08 of Bangladesh Bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director bank handed over the prize to the nominated persons at Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden on 18 July, 2019 in its Half-Yearly Business Conference. The winners were- Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, SEVP & Manager of Dilkusha Branch, Mr. Kazi Motaher Hossain, SVP & Sylhet Zonal Head, Mr. Md. Mahfuzul Islam, AVP & Manager, Jashore Branch, Mr. Muhammad Amir Hossain, FAVP & Manager Operation, Khatunganj Branch and Mr. Md. Ibrahim, Peon, Head Office, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair and Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director(s) were present in the program.

A School Banking Conference held at Chattogram organized by First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as a Lead Bank of Financial Inclusion Program in Educational Institutions through Lead Banking System under the instruction of Bangladesh Bank. The conference would let the students know about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings through school banking is the main objective of this program. Mr. S. M. Moniruzzaman, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank was present on the occasion as Chief Guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank presided over the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Abul Bashar, General Manager of Financial Inclusion Department, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, General Manager, Bangladesh Bank Chattogram Office, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Abu Hasan Siddique, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Education & ICT) Chattogram, Mr. S M Mehedi Has

First Security Islami Bank launched mobile applications ?FSIBL Cloud? and employees in-house official data based applications ?FSIBL Yellow Pages? at Hotel Sarina, Dhaka on 25 March, 2019. Mr. Ahmed Jamal, Hon?ble Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as Chief Guest in the program and Mr. Ahmed Muktadir Arif, Dr. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed and Mr. Mollah Fazle Akbar, Director(s) of the bank was present as special guest. The program was presided over by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair and Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director(s), Divisions Heads of Head Office along with other officials were present in the conference.

A friendly cricket match between First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Dhaka and Chattogram Zone held on 23 March 2019 at BKSP, Savar. Chattogram Knights defeated Dhaka Warriors by 8 wickets. Md. Jahangir Alam of Chattogram Knights has been declared as the Man of the Match with unbeaten 45 Runs and Shabibul Azam scored the highest 47 Runs. Mr. Sayed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director was present as chief guest in the friendly match. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head, Mr. S. M . Nazrul Islam, Head of General Services Division of Head Office along with other officials were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 19th Anniversary on 25 October, 2018 in a?simple ceremony organized at it?s Head Office. The bank is providing shariah based modern?banking services to clients from its inception. The bank has 171 branches, 20 Agent Banking?Outlet, 134 own ATM network throughout the country and also providing Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, School Banking service Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the FSIBL Mobile Apps ?FSIBL Cloud? at the time of the 19 th?anniversary celebration. He gratefully?acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank,?Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd., Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads & other high officials were also present on

On March 20, 2018 First Security Islami Bank launched new trade finance product ?Tasdir?. Mr. Ahmed Jamal, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank was the chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the bank presided over the program. Among others Mr. Tim Nicolle, CEO of PrimaDollar, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s) of First Security Islami Bank along with other high officials were present on the program. Tasdir is an innovative trade finance solution for the exporters of Bangladesh. Tasdir allows exporters to get payment at sight basis on sales contract of deferred payment with their international buyers.

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 18th Anniversary on 25 October, 2017 in a simple ceremony organized in this regard at it?s Head Office. The bank is providing shariah based modern banking services to clients from its inception. The bank has 163 branches, 10 Agent Banking Outlet, 128 own ATM network throughout the country and also providing Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, School Banking services. On the occasion of 18th anniversary Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank, Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd., Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s), Divisional Heads & other high offici

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated its 17th Anniversary on 25 October, 2016 in a simple ceremony organized in the FSIBL Head Office. The bank is providing shariah based modern banking services to clients from its inception. The bank has 155 branches network, 122 ATM network throughout the country and providing Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking, Agent Banking, School Banking services. On the occasion of 17th anniversary Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank, Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd., Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads & other high officials were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank ltd. received award as Best Sponsor Award 2014 for its great contribution in sports section. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited received the award from Mr. AHM Mostafa Kamal, MP and Chief Guest of the program which is organized by Bangladesh Sports Press Association (BSPA). High officials of Bangladesh Sports Press Association (BSPA) and renowned players of Bangladesh were also present on the occasion. It may be noted that since establishment besides banking activities FSIBL contributed for education and sports.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) achieved Award of Excellence from Bangladesh Bank in Banking Fair Bangladesh 2015. Honorable Chief Guest Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak,MP handed over the award to Mr. Syed Waseque MD. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL. In the Closing Ceremony Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank was present as Special Guest and the meeting was presided over by Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved this Award of Excellence as one of the Best Stalls among 56 Banks in Banking Fair Bangladesh 2015 for stall decoration, discipline, customer handling and presentation of information of Banking Services.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) celebrated 16th Anniversary on 25 October, 2015. In this happy occasion a simple ceremony was organized in the FSIBL Head Office. On the occasion of 16th anniversary Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledges the support & guidance of our Valued Clients, Bangladesh Bank, Shareholders, Bangladesh Security & Exchange Commission, Dhaka & Chittagong Stock Exchanges, Well Wishers & Employees. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Divisional Heads & other high officials were also present on the occasion. It may be noted that, Bank have 144 number of branches, 103 number of own ATM Booths. Bank also provides Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking Services.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized Iftar Mahfil for Electronic Media, Print Media & Web Media Journalists and Officials at Gold Water Convention Center, Dhaka on 21 June, 2015. Mr. Sayed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director, SEVP, Divisional Heads, Branch Managers of Dhaka City was present on the occasion. A doa Mahfil was also organized on the occasion.

Mr. Abdul Aziz has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Prior to promote as Deputy Managing Director he was serving as Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) of the Bank. Mr. Abdul Aziz joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Assistant Vice President (SAVP) in 1999. He started his Banking Career at National Bank Ltd. in 1983. He has got nearly 32 years of banking experience and developed a wide range of expertise in banking. Mr. Abdul Aziz served as Head of Human Resources Division, Head Office & Manager at Dilkusha Branch, Dhanmondi Branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. in his wide banking Career. Mr. Abdul Aziz attended various local and international banking related seminars & workshops in home and abroad.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali has been appointed as Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Prior to this appointment, he was working as Managing Director (Current Charge) of the Bank. Mr. Ali, a seasoned banker having more than 30 years of extensive and versatile banking experience with diversified, welfare and next generation banking business, began his banking career with IFIC Bank Ltd. in 1983 as Officer and stayed there till 1996. Afterwards, he served Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. for about a decade till 2008 and in the same year he joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Executive Vice President and was promoted to Deputy Managing Director in October 2011.

A well travelled man; he performed and attended in many multifaceted professional and?????????????? international banking seminars, trainings and workshops at home and abroad. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali is a past President of Rotary Club of Dhaka Nor

First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated Mobile Banking Services FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash at Jessore Municipality, Jessore on 23 September 2014. Mr. A.A.M. Zakaria, Managing Director of FSIBL, Mr. Sk. Abdul Wadud, Zonal Head, Khulna, Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited, ?Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division, Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Manager, Jessore Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Maruful Islam, Mayor, Jessore Municipality, Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Deputy Commissioner, Jessore, Hazi Mukul, Councilor, Jessore Municipality, Jessore and local elites were also present on the occasion. From now, people of Jessore Municipality can pay Water Bill & other Taxes through Mobile Banking Services of First Security Islami Bank Limited.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a workshop and cross discussion among Management Authority and employees of Training Institute, Internal Control & Compliance Division, Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism Division, Shariah Council Secretariat and Information and Communication Technology Division. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank presided over the program organized in this regard on January 05, 2022. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s) along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved ?The 2022 TradeAssets eMarketplace Champion Award? for creating excellence by using eMarketplace portal of TradeAssets for exchanging trade finance risk. Ms. Azizunnessa Huq Dolly, Managing Director & Chief Country Officer, Bangladesh, FIntech Innovations International DMCC handed over the crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited in a simple ceremony organized in this regard. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank along with other officials were present in the program.

  First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved Best Corporate Award 2019 ? Bronze Award in the category of Private Commercial Bank (Islamic Operation) given by Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB). Chief Guest Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Commerce handed over the crest to Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on 25 February, 2021 at Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden. Among others, Mr. Md. Jasim Uddin, President, ICMAB, Prof Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, Chairman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. launched e-KYC based solution ?FSIBL Freedom? to facilitate client?s instant bank account opening from anywhere anytime. On the first working day of New Year, 03 January 2021 Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated instant new account opening e-KYC based solution ?FSIBL Freedom? through video conference. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Division Heads of Head Office, all Zonal Heads and Branch Managers along with other Officials were participated in the conference.

  First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over umbrellas to Dhaka Metropolitan Police- Gulshan Division to provide uninterrupted services during the rainy season. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank handed over 150 pcs Umbrellas to Mr. Sudeep Kumar Chakraborty, BPM, Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Gulshan Division. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque and Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, PPM, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Gulshan Division, Mr. Abul Hasan, Officer In-charge, Gulshan Thana along with other officials were present in the occasion. A Doa Mahfil was organized in this regard

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism titled ?BAMLCO Conference-2021? with the participation of all Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officers (BAMLCOs) of the bank. Mr. Md. Masud Biswas, Head (Current Charge) of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) and Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank inaugurated the workshop as a chief guest. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL delivered his welcome speech and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director and CAMLCO of FSIBL presided over the workshop. Mr. Mohammad Abdur Rab, Deputy General Manager, BFIU, Mr. Md. Rokon-Uz-Zaman, Joint Director, BFIU, Bangladesh Bank conducted several sessions in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Ma

Remarkable moment with our Honorable Managing Director sir in the IBBs 13th prize giving ceremony at BIBM for achieving outstanding results in the Banking Diploma session 2018 & 2019. Along with Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Honorable Managing Director, the awardees are (from left to right) Mr. Md. Jumman Uddin (Officer, Zonal Office, Dhaka South), Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman (JO, Dovashi Bazar Br.), Mr. Md. Shahed Hossain (Officer, Hathazari Br.), Mr. H. M. Golam Dostagir Chowdhury (PO, Jubilee Road Br.), Mr. Abdullah Al Mamun (Officer, Bangshal Br.), Mr. S. M. Mamunur Rashid Chowdhury (SO, R&D Division, HO) & Mr. H. M. Mosharrof (SO, Cash, Daulatpur Br.) (Not in the picture).

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. obtained internationally renowned and prestigious ISO 27001:2013 certificate for its Information Security Management System. Ernst & Young Advisory service Bangladesh Ltd., TNV and Hermitage of Management & Standards Ltd. (HMS) worked together to assess ISMS of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and accorded the certificate. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. received the ISO 27001:2013 certificate from Md. Muiz Tasnim Taqui, Vice President, Ernst & Young Advisory service Bangladesh Ltd., Engr. Abdun Noor, Managing Director and Engr. Md. Rubel Miah, Director, Hermitage of Management & Standards Ltd. Among others, Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Head of ICT Division and Chief Information Security Officer Md. Mushfiqur Rahman along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank launched 4 investment products on the first day of New Year-2022 with a view to providing shariah based banking services in a greater extent to its clients. The products are- FSIBL Prochesta for start-up entrepreneurs, FSIBL Shabolambi for women entrepreneurs, FSIBL Udyami for cottage, micro and small entrepreneurs, FSIBL Sonali Swapno for agriculture and rural development projects. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the new products. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Principal of Training Institute, Zonal Heads of Dhaka, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other officials present in the occasion. A Doa Mahfil was organized in this regard.

First Security Islami Bank Limited celebrated New Year 2022. A program was organized in this regard at FSIBL Head Office. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank gratefully acknowledged the support & guidance of FSIBL stakeholders and wished their good health & success. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Zonal Heads of Dhaka and Divisional Heads of Head Office were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently inaugurated its 201st ATM Booth at Banani, Dhaka. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the aforesaid ATM booth. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s) along with other officials were present in the occasion. From now on, customers will be able to withdraw money from this ATM booth 24 hours a day.

A free thalassaemia carrier screening and awareness camp help with the collaboration of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) held at Ruqayyah Hall, Dhaka University on January 08, 2022. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia carrier does not marry another thalassemia carrier. That why, it is important for every person who are planning to marry to have a thalassemia test. Dr. Firdausi Qadri, Laureate of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 and Lead, Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Prof. Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor, Cumilla University, Prof. Dr. Zeenat Huda, Provost, Ruqayyah Hall and Pro. Dr. Sharmin Rumi Alim, Institution of Nutrition and Food Science, Dhaka University were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. achieved 1st position for collecting the highest bill amongst 34 banks selected by Dhaka WASA to collect bill in the financial year 2020-2021. It is 3rd time to place 1st position consecutively for First Security Islami Bank in collecting Dhaka WASA bill. A program titled Dhaka WASA Bill Collection Award was held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka on 09 January 2022 and Chief Guest Mr. Md. Tazul Islam, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives handed over the certificate and crest to Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Senior Secretary, Local Government Division, Prof. Shibly Rubayat-Ul-Islam, Chairman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, Dr. Engr. Gholam Mostofa, Chairman, Dhaka WASA Board were present as Special Guest. The program was presided over by Engr. Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director, Dhaka WASA. First Security I

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has been awarded for being one of the highest taxpayers in banking sector for 2021-22 fiscal year at the Large Taxpayers Unit (LTU). Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the First Security Islami Bank Limited received the award of recognition from Rawnak Afroz, Commissioner of Taxes, Taxes Appeal Zone-2, Dhaka in a ceremony organized in this regard at NBR?s Tax Zone-1 Conference Hall recently. A K M Badiul Alam, Director General of Central Intelligence Cell (CIC), Md. Iqbal Hossain, Commissioner of Taxes, Large Taxpayers Unit (LTU) and Muhammad Kamruzzaman FCA, Head of Finance and Accounts Division, FSIBL along with senior officials of Large Taxpayers Unit were present in the award giving ceremony.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism with the participation of Sylhet zone officials of the bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL inaugurated the workshop as a Chief Guest. Several sessions were conducted in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. A K M Ehsan, Director of Bangladesh Bank, Sylhet, Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Head of AML & CFT Division, Mr. Foysal Ahmed, Sylhet Zonal Head along with other officials of the bank were present in the program.

FIRST SECURITY ISLAMI BANK LTD launched new banking service FSIBL First Cash at Spectra Convention Center on 02 July, 2014. Through FSIBL First Cash Card to Card fund transfer through Agent POS terminals, internet banking and mobile applications,? card holder can encash money from nationwide agent points and Q-Cash network ATM booths more than 35 banks, Online bill payments, utilities, mobile, admission and tuition fees, online shopping from more than 200 local websites, online merchant outlet shopping and dining from more than eleven thousand outlets and restaurants, inward foreign remittance can be directly credited to the card thus promoting formal banking channel and reducing HUNDI, can be used as ?Salary Card? for blue collar employees i.e. Garment and factory workers. On this occasion Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Taher Ahmad Chowdhury, Head of ICT Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development

Logo launching program of First Security Islami Bank Limited National School Hockey Tournament- 2015 held at Bangladesh Air Force?s Falcon Hall, Dhaka on 02 November, 2014. Chief of Air staff and Chairman Bangladesh Hockey Federation Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited Mr. A.A.M. Zakaria, Chairman of Bangladesh School Hockey Committee, ATN Bangla & ATN News Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman were present. Among others Deputy Managing Director (s) of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Divisional Heads and other officials were also present on the occasion.

School Mobile Banking (mnR) & School Banking (AsKzi) of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated at Wide Vision School & College on 17 December 2014. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge), Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division, Mr. Md. Tahurul Haque, Manager, Uttara Branch of FSIBL, Engineer Md. Yousuf Ali Mollah, President, 12 No Sector Kollyan Shomity, Professor Dr. M Abu Jafor Khan, Chairman, Wide Vision College, Teachers, Guardians, Students and local elite were present on the occasion. From now, Guardians of students could pay school fees of their children easily anytime from their home through FSIBL School Mobile Banking (mnR). FSIBL School Banking (AsKzi) was also introduced among students of Wide Vision School & College to encourage the habit of savings in their life.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of First Security Islami Bank Limited congratulated Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank for his receiving ?Central Banker of the Year? award in Asia-Pacific Region. Among others Mr. A.F.M Asaduzzaman, General Manager, Governor?s Secretariat, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Prior to promote as Deputy Managing Director he was working as Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) of the Bank. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Vice President (SVP) in 2006. He started his Banking Career at Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (Presently Bangladesh Development Bank Limited) in March 1989. He also joined International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank) in November 1989. Then he joined Dutch Bangla Bank Limited in March 1998 as Assistant Vice President. He has got nearly 26 years of banking experience and developed a wide range of expertise in banking. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair served as Manager of Dhanmondi Branch, Banani Branch, Gulshan Branch and in Marketing & Development Division, Head Office of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. in his wide banking Career. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair attended various local and int

Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman Patwary (Azad) has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Prior to promote as Deputy Managing Director he was working as Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) of the Bank. Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman Patwary (Azad) completed his Graduation in Marketing in 1980 and Masters in Marketing In 1981 from Dhaka University. He joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. in 2006. Before joining in FSIBL, he worked at The City Bank Ltd, Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd and Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman Patwary (Azad) attended various local and international banking related seminar & workshops in home and abroad.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated Real Time Automated Sanction Screening System (S3) Software to monitor Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing-related threats on 31 August 2015. Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank was present as Chief Guest on the occasion. Among others, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director delivered their speeches. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman Patwary Deputy Managing Directors, Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute; Divisional Heads of Head Office, Branch Managers of Dhaka City Branches of First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. received special honor from Bangladesh Bank for contribution on financial services awareness campaign including School banking among students and general public in the School Banking Conference, Sylhet. On 31st October 2015 Dr. Atiur Rahman, Honorable Governor, Bangladesh Bank handed over the award to Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Among others Deputy Governor Mr. SK Sur Chowdhury was also present on the occasion.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director and Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited congratulated Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank for receiving Bangla Academy Literary Award 2015. Among others, Mr. Abul Quasem, Deputy Governor, Mr. A.F.M Asaduzzaman, General Manager, Governors Secretariat, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. received a Letter of Appreciation from Bangladesh Bank for achieving the disbursement target of Agricultural and Rural Investment for the year of 2014-2015. On 28th July 2016 Mr. Subhankar Saha, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank handed over the Letter of Appreciation to Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Among others, Mr. Pravash Chandra Mollick, General Manager of Agriculture Credit Department of Bangladesh Bank was also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank launched EMV Chip based new VISA Debit Card, which will ensure the highest security to clients? transaction. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank launched the VISA Debit Card on 7 July 2018 in a simple ceremony organized in this regard. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Thanbir Ahamed Chowdhury, Head of Cards, Zonal Heads of Zonal Offices, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other officials were present on the program. The clients of this card can withdraw money from any ATM booth 24 hours a day throughout the country and purchase from any VISA logo featured shopping outlet with attractive discount. Mobile Recharge, Train & Air Ticket purchase and others online shopping can be done trough E-Commerce site using this Debit Card.

Mr. Abdul Aziz has been promoted Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Prior to the promotion, he was Deputy Managing Director of the Bank. Mr. Aziz obtained B.Sc (Honors) and M.Sc degree from University of Dhaka. Mr. Abdul Aziz joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Assistant Vice President (SAVP) in 1999. He started his Banking Career at National Bank Ltd. in 1983. He has a long track of nearly 35 years banking experience. Mr. Abdul Aziz served the bank at various capacities including as Head of Human Resources Division, Head Office & Manager at different braches like Dilkusha Branch, Dhanmondi Branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. in his wide banking career. He attended at many workshops, trainings and seminars at home and abroad extensively.

Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Prior to the promotion, he was Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) of the Bank. He obtained (Honors) in Accounting and MBA degree. Mr. Haque joined at First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Assistant Vice President (SAVP) in 2005. He started his Banking Career at Rupali Bank Ltd. as Probationary Officer. He has a long track of banking experience. Mr. Haque served the bank as Head of Investment Division, Head Office for a long time in his wide banking career. He attended at many workshops, trainings and seminars at home and abroad extensively.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. donated to ?Proyash? a specialized Institution patronized by Bangladesh Army for special children. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over the cheque to Dilshad Nahar Aziz, Patron of Proyash in a ceremony organized in this regard at Proyash hall, Dhaka Cantonment on October 08, 2018. Among others, Assistant Patron Mrs. Taslim Jahan; Brig Gen Ibne Fazal Shayekhuzzaman, BSP, SGP, afwc, psc, Chairman, Proyash; Col Md Shahidul Alam, SGP, Executive Director & Principal, Proyash; Lt Col Md Mohiuddin Ahmmad, psc, Ord., Director, PISER; Qazi Afroza Sultana, Vice Principal and Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were present on the occasion.

Banker SME Nari Uddokta Somabesh & Ponno Prodorshony Mela 2019 was inaugurated on March 08, 2019 at Bangladesh Shishu Academy, Dhaka and Dr. Dipu Moni, M.P, Hon?ble Minister, Ministry of Education, Govt. of People?s Republic of Bangladesh was present as Chief Guest in the inauguration ceremony. Mr. Fazle Kabir, Governor of Bangladesh Bank handed over the investment cheque to First Security Islami Bank?s client M/S Nahid Enterprise. Among others, Mr. S.M. Moniruzzaman, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman, Association of Bankers Bangladesh Ltd. and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were present on the program. The program was presided over by Mr. Md. Abdur Rahim, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank.

An exchange meeting regarding modern technology based remittance payment system held recently at Rome, Italy. The program was organized by First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L with the participation of its agent and clients. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was chief guest of the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Hamid Alam, Country Manager, Mr. Farid Ahmed Bhuyian, Operations Manager, Mr. Rahat Jaman, Executive Officer, First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) won the Trophy of S Alam Cement Cricket Tournament 2019 recently held at Chattogram. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. defeated Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL) by 6 Wickets. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. won the toss and scored 143 Runs by 9 Wickets. Then First Security Islami Bank reached the target by 17 Over?s only losing 4 wickets. Mr. Zia Uddin Chowdhury of FSIBL declared as the Man of the Match for taking highest 4 Wickets and Mr. Arif Newaz scored the highest unbeaten 45 Runs. Besides, Mr. Saddam Hossen declared as Man of the Tournament and Mr. Safayet Ahmed was declared as highest scorer of the Tournament. Mr. Md. Morshedul Alam, Director of S Alam Group was present as chief guest in prize giving ceremony. Among others, Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head and Mr. Md. Akiz Uddin, PS to Chairman were present as special guest in the program along with other high officials.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized Bankers-Entrepreneurs (SME, Agriculture and Women) Gatherings and Formal Investment Handover ceremony at Radisson Blu Chattogram Bay View on 4 January, 2020. Mr. Fazle Kabir, Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as Chief Guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. presided over the program. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Mohiuddin Azad, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head, Mr. Shahajada Basunia, Head of Public Affairs and Brand Communication Division, Mr. Shafaiat Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of SME & Agricultural Investment Division and other officials were present on the program. In the program, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and other participating banks handed over the investment cheque to their SME, Agriculture and Women entrepreneur clients.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated Mujib Corner on March 11, 2020 at its head office located at Rangs RD Center, Block # SE(F), Plot # 03, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Mujib Corner. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director along with other high officials were present in the program.

Eid Mubarak 

First Security Islami Bank provided gift items to the hajj pilgrims of upcoming hajj season who had pre-registered by First Security Islami Bank PLC. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Managing Director (Current Charge) of the Bank handed over the gift items to the representatives of concerned hajj agencies in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on at FSIB Head Office. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Aminul Islam Shamim, Vice-Chairman, Dhaka Zonal Committee of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB) along with other bank officials and representatives of hajj agencies were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank provided gift items to the hajj pilgrims of upcoming hajj season who had pre-registered by First Security Islami Bank PLC. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Managing Director (Current Charge) of the Bank handed over the gift items to the representatives of concerned hajj agencies in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on at FSIB Head Office. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Aminul Islam Shamim, Vice-Chairman, Dhaka Zonal Committee of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB) along with other bank officials and representatives of hajj agencies were present in the program.

The prize giving and closing ceremony of Bangladesh Academy of Science-First Security Islami Bank 14th National Science Olympiad-2024 held at Curzon Hall of Dhaka University. Emeritus Professor Dr. A. K. Azad Chowdhury presided over the program and Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Managing Director (Current Charge) of First Security Islami Bank was present as special guest. Among others, Emeritus Professor Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, Convener, Science Olympiad 2024, Professor Dr. Hasina Khan, Secretary, Bangladesh Academy of Science, Teachers and coordinators of different school and college, Representatives of Media Partners of the program and other officials were present in the program.

On the 48th death anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, First Security Islami Bank Limited organized a discussion meeting and doa-mahfil to pray for the peace of the souls of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and all other martyred members of his family. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank presided over the discussion meeting and doa-mahfil. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office along with other executive and officials were present in the occasion.

School Banking Conference-2023 held at Moulvibazar district on March 13th, 2023. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized the conference as a Lead Bank of Financial Inclusion Program in Educational Institutions through Lead Banking System under the instruction of Bangladesh Bank. The main objective of the conference was to let the students know about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings through school banking program. Mr.Nesar Ahmed, Honorable MP, Moulvibazar-3 and Member of the Parliamentary Committee of The Ministry of Land was present as the Chief Guest at the conference. Mr.Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. presided over the conference. Mr. Saiful Islam, Executive Director, Sylhet Office, Bangladesh Bank was present as the Guest of Honor at the conference. Moreover, all other representatives of every banks of Moulvibazar district were also present at the conference.

On the occasion of Birthday celebration of Sheikh Russel, the youngest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a free thalassemia carrier screening and awareness camp was organized at Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. sponsored and Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) organized the program. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia carrier does not marry another thalassemia carrier. That why, it is important for every person who are planning to marry to have a thalassemia test. Dr. Firdausi Qadri, Laureate of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 and Lead, Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Brig. Gen. Md. Fazlul Kabir, Mphil, MMed, MPH, Dr. Sharmin Jahan, Chief Operating Officer, ideSHi were present in the program. ?

A free thalassemia carrier screening and awareness camp held in association of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) held at Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall, Dhaka University. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia carrier does not marry another thalassemia carrier. That why, it is important for every person who are planning to marry to have a thalassemia test. Dr. Firdausi Qadri, Laureate of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 and Lead, Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Professor Shah Mohammad, Provost, Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall, Professor, Emran Kabir and Professor Dr. A H M Nurun Nabi, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dhaka University were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited provided house construction materials and financial assistance to the flood affected people of Ulipur Upazilla, Kurigram. Mr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Deputy Commissioner of Kurigram was present as Chief Guest in the program organized in this regard at DC office, Kurigram on 27 July 2022 and Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam, Zonal Head of the Bank?s Rajshahi Zone was present as Special Guest. Among others, Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Manager of Ulipur Branch, Mr. Sish Md. Abu Hanifa, Manager of Rangpur Branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. along with other officials were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a program on SME, Agriculture and Women Entrepreneur Investment distribution and assistance under Corporate Social Responsibility recently at Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka. In the program, cheque for SME, agriculture and women entrepreneurs? investment of the bank and cheque for financial assistance under the social responsibility program were handed over to various individuals and organizations. Mr. Fazle Kabir, Hon?ble Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as Chief Guest and Mr. Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as Special Guest in the program. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. presided over the program. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director along with other officials were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank handed over gift items to the hajj pilgrims of upcoming hajj season who had pre-registered by First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL). Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank handed over the gift items to the representatives of concerned hajj agencies in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on 31 May 2022 at FSIBL Head Office. Among others, Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Aminul Islam Shamim, Vice-Chairman, Dhaka Zonal Committee of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB) along with other bank officials and representatives of hajj agencies were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. sponsored the AIUB Robotic Crew-2022, who are going to participate at University Rover Challenge-2022 to be held in the United States of America during the period of 01-04 June 2022. AIUB Robotic Crew is a team of the students of American International University of Bangladesh who are passionate about robotics and its application. There are 36 teams from 11 different countries of the world are going to participate in the University Rover Challenge-2022 where AIUB Robotic Crew is representing Bangladesh for the consecutive 6th time. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. is the platinum sponsor of AIUB Robotics team in this competition. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over the dummy cheque of the sponsorship to Professor ABM Siddique Hossain, Dean, and Faculty of Engineering of American International University of Bangladesh. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md.

A free thalassemia carrier screening and awareness camp held in association of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) held on 14 May 2022 at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia carrier does not marry another thalassemia carrier. That why, it is important for every person who are planning to marry to have a thalassemia test. Dr. Firdausi Qadri, Laureate of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 and Lead, Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Professor Dr. ABM Maksudul Alam, Principal, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka were present in the program.

The prize giving and closing ceremony of Bangladesh Academy of Science-First Security Islami Bank 12th National Science Olympiad-2022 held at Curzon Hall of Dhaka University on 18th March, 2022. Architect Mr. Yeafesh Osman, Minister of Science and Technology of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was present as chief guest and Mr. Tohurul Hoque, EVP and Manager of Banani Branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was present on behalf of the special guest in the prize giving ceremony. The program was presided over by Emeritus Professor Dr. A. K Azad Chowdhury. Among others, Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Coordinator, Science Olympiad 2022, Professor Dr. Hasina Khan, Secretary, Bangladesh Academy of Science, Representatives of Media Partners of the program and other officials were present on the program.

A free thalassaemia carrier screening and awareness camp held in association of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) held recently at Rohinga Camp (Camp-13), Cox?s Bazar. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia carrier does not marry another thalassemia carrier. That why, it is important for every person who are planning to marry to have a thalassemia test. Dr. Firdausi Qadri, Laureate of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 and Lead, Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Ahmad Zobayer Mahdi, Operations Director, HMBD Foundation were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over 10,000 pcs Mask to Bangladesh Rugby Federation Union to be distributed to school-college students and mass people of the country to prevent world pandemic Corona Virus (Covid-19). Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the Bank handed over the mask to Mr. Mousum Ali, General Secretary of Bangladesh Rugby Federation Union. Among others, Mr. Shahazada Basunia, SVP & Head of Public Affairs and Brand Communication Division, Mr. S. H. Adra, Coach of Bangladesh Rugby Team along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food & financial assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. Mr. Shamsul Karim Mojumder, Zonal Head of Cumilla Zone, Mr. Md. Abul Hasan Chowdhury, Manager of Feni Branch of the Bank and Mr. Md. Maien Uddin Khan, President & Mr. Dider Hossain Rizvi, General Secretary of Daridrer Alo Kalyan Tahbil along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. Mr. Md. Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa, Mayor, Rangpur City Corporation and Mr. Shis Md. Abu Hanifa, Manager of Rangpur Branch of the Bank along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited donated Tk. 50,000/- to poor & meritorious students of National Maritime Institute (NMI), Chattogram under the corporate social responsibility program on November 25, 2018 in passing out ceremony organized by NMI. In the presence of Mr. Shajahan Khan M.P, Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Shipping, Mr. Md. Mahabul Alam, AVP & Manager of FSIBL Bandartila Branch handed over the cheque to the poor & meritorious students of NMI. Among others, Capt. Faisal Azim, Principal of National Maritime Institute along with other officials were present on the occasion.

School Banking Conference Dhaka 2018 held at Dhaka Residential Model College on 12 May, 2018 organized by Bangladesh Bank. Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank was the Chief Guest of the program. Mr. Shafiuddin Ahmed, Additional Secretary, Technical and Madrassah Education Division, Ministry of Education, Mr. Md. Abdur Rahim, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan, Managing Director & CEO of Rupali Bank Ltd, Mr. Md. Arfan Ali, Managing Director of Bank Asia Ltd. & General Secretary of Association of Bankers Bangladesh was present as special guest on the program. Mr. Md. Abul Basar, General Manager of Financial Inclusion Department of Bangladesh Bank presided over the program. The program was participated by 600 students along with 120 teachers of 60 schools and the schools were adopted by 57 scheduled banks of Bangladesh. The main objective of the program was creating students savings mentality through opening school banking acc

A school banking conference held at Narail organized by First Security Islami Bank Ltd as a lead bank of financial studies program in educational institutions through lead banking system under the instruction of Bangladesh Bank. Let the students to know through school banking about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings is the main objective of this program. Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank Khulna Office was present on the occasion as chief guest and the program was presided over by Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Md. Amzad Hossain Khan, Deputy General Manager, Bangladesh Bank Khulna Office, Mr A S M Abdul Khalek, District Education Officer, Narail, Mrs. Munira Parvin, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer, Lohagora, Narail Upazilla were present as special guest. Among others, Mr. Kazi Masum Parvez, Joint Director, Bangladesh Bank, Khulna, Mr. Golam Mohiuddin, Joint Director, F

A school banking conference held at Narail organized by First Security Islami Bank Ltd as a lead bank of financial studies program in educational institutions through lead banking system under the instruction of Bangladesh Bank. Let the students to know through school banking about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings is the main objective of this program. Mr. Md. Azizur Rahman, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank Khulna Office was present on the occasion as chief guest and the program was presided over by Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Md. Amzad Hossain Khan, Deputy General Manager, Bangladesh Bank Khulna Office, Mr A S M Abdul Khalek, District Education Officer, Narail, Mrs. Munira Parvin, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer, Lohagora, Narail Upazilla were present as special guest. Among others, Mr. Kazi Masum Parvez, Joint Director, Bangladesh Bank, Khulna, Mr. Golam Mohiuddin, Joint Director, F

First Security Islami Bank donated Tk. 1,00,000/- to poor & meritorious students of National Maritime Institute (NMI), Chattogram under the corporate social responsibility program on April 12, 2018 in passing out ceremony organized by NMI. In the presence of Mr. Shajahan Khan M.P, Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Shipping, Mr. Md. Mahabul Alam, AVP & Manager of Bandartila Branch handed over the cheque to the poor & meritorious students of NMI. Among others, Capt. Faisal Azim, Principal of National Maritime Institute along with other officials was present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank donated an Ambulance to?Chattogram University under its corporate social responsibility on March 27, 2018 in a simple ceremony organized in this regard. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over the dummy key of the Ambulance to Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury, Vice-Chancellor of Chattogram University. Among others, Prof. Dr. Shirin Akter, Pro-VC, Chattogram University, Deans of different Faculties of Chattogram University, Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chattogram , Mr. Syed Kutubuddin Alam, Manager, Chawkbazar Branch of First Security Islami Bank along with other officials were present on the program.

School Banking Conference 2018, Coxs Bazar held at Hotel Seagull, Coxs Bazar organized by First Security Islami Bank Ltd as a Lead Bank of Financial Studies Program in Educational Institutions through Lead Banking System under the supervision of Bangladesh Bank. Let the students to know through school banking about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings is the main objective of this program. Mr. S.K Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank was present as chief guest on the occasion and the program was presided over by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Mohd. Humayun Kabir, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong & Mr. Md. Saleh Uddin Chowdhury was present as special guest. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, General Manager, Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong, Md. Abul Bashar, General Manager, Ms. Indranee Haque, Deputy Director, Financial Inclusion Department, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. donated to Proyash-Institute of Special Education of Bangladesh Army for children. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over the cheque to General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq, SBP, ndc, psc, chief of Army Staff, Bangladesh Army in a simple ceremony organized in this regard at Dhaka Cantonment on January 26, 2017. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Major General S M Matiur Rahman, afwc, psc, Adjutant General, Bangladesh Army were present on the occasion.

The Logo of Bangladesh Science Academy-First Security Islami Bank Science Olympiad- 2017 has been unveiled on 28th December, 2016. With the initiatives of Bangladesh Science Academy and sponsorship of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. ?Science Olympiad 2017? program will be held at 30 centres in 8 divisions of the country for the development of science knowledge and motivation of students towards science study. Emeritus Professor Dr. Aminul Islam, President, Bangladesh Academy of Science, Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chairman of ATN Bangla & ATN News, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Nawazish Ali Khan, Advisor (Program), ATN Bangla, Mr. ASM Shahidullah Khan, Managing Editor and Chairman, Editorial Board, Daily New Age, Mr. Majedul Nayon, Senior Correspondent, Bangla News 24 Dot Com, Mr. Ahmed Imtiaz Sabbir, Producer & Presenter, Radio Bhumi spoke on the occasion. Among others, Advisors of ATN B

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2016 held at Udaypur Muslim Akanda Secondary School, Mehendiganj, Barisal recently. Ms. Rowman Binte Shafiqul Islam (Rumana) Vise Chairman, Upozila Parishad, Mehendiganj was the chief guest of the program. Among others Mr. Asaduzzaman Khaja, President, Managing Committee, Udaypur Muslim Akanda Secondary School, Mr. Md. Mohiuddin Sheikh, Manager Operations, Barisal Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited and others Local Elits were present on the occasion. It may be noted that First Security Islami Bank Limited is the Title Sponsor of the program. Ekushey Television is the Electronic Media Partner, The Daily Ittefaq, The Financial Express are the Print Media Partners, Radio Bhumi is the Radio Partner and is the Web Media Partner of the program.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2016 held at Shomvopur Secondary School, Tojumuddin, Bhola recently. Alhaj Ohid Ullah Josim, Union Porishad, Chairman, Tojumuddin were the chief guest of the program. Among others Mr. Jamal Uddin,Head Master, Shomvopur Secondary School, Al haj Fokrul Alam Jahangir, Union Porishad, Chaiman, Chandpur, Mr. Md. Monjurul Ahsan, Manager, Bhola Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited and others were present on the occasion. It may be noted that, First Security Islami Bank Limited is the title sponsor of the program. Ekushey Television is the Electronic Media partner, The Daily Ittefaq, The Financial Express are the print media partners, Redio Bhumi is the Redio Partner and Bangla News Twenty Four Dot Com is the Web media partner of the program.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2016 held at Hajirhat Model Secondary School, Monpura, Bhola recently. Mr. AKM Shajahan Meah, Monpura Upozila were the chief guest of the program. Among others Mr. Shahriar Chowdhury, Head Master, Hajirhat Model Secondary School, Mr. Md. Monjurul Ahsan, Manager, Bhola Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited and others were present on the occasion. It may be noted that, First Security Islami Bank Limited is the title sponsor of the program. Ekushey Television is the Electronic Media partner, The Daily Ittefaq, The Financial Express are the print media partners, Redio Bhumi is the Redio Partner and Bangla News Twenty Four Dot Com is the Web media partner of the program.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2016 held at Tobgi SecondarySchool, Tobgi, Bhola recently. Mr. Mohammad Ismail, Head Master, Tobgi Secondary School, Al haj Abdul Momin Vulu, District Commissioner, Bhola District, Mr. Md. Monjurul Ahsan, Manager, Bhola Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited and others were present on the occasion. It may be noted that, First Security Islami Bank Limited is the title sponsor of the program. Ekushey Television is the Electronic Media partner, The Daily Ittefaq, The Financial Express are the print media partners, Redio Bhumi is the Redio Partner and Bangla News Twenty Four Dot Com is the Web media partner of the program.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited provide financial support to PFDA- Vocational Training Centre. Ms. Sajida Rahman Danny, Executive Director received the chaque on behalf of PFDA. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. A.K.M Abu Sagir Chowdhury, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL were also present on the occasion. It may be noted that PFDA- Vocational Training Centre trained up the person with Autism and Neuro- Disability.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over a chaque amounting Taka 1,00,000(One Lac)only to Dr. Kamal Hossain, President, Sony Memorial Foundation. Among others, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL were also present on the occasion.

21 April, 2016 First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Donated to the Financial Challenged Students of Tajul Huq Model School, Noakhali .They are entitled to get monthly 50,000 Taka for 01 (one) year total 6 Lac taka only for their Medical & Medicine Support, Nutrition, Training for Sanitation, Hygiene & Necessary Support, Clothing Support, Support for physical fitness, Conciling about religious, moral values, Accommodation support. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Md. Nazmul Hasan, Managing Director, Leaderex Footwear Industry Signed an agreement and handed over the chaque to the Head master of the School. Among others, Mr. A.K.M Abu Sagir Chowdhury, Head of General Services Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, of First Security Islami Bank Ltd, Students, Parents of the school and Local Elites were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. donated Tk.15 Lac to Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) for CCTV Surveillance Project. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director and Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. handed over the cheque to Mr. Annisul Huq, Mayor, Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) in a simple ceremony held at the Mayors office in Gulshan, Dhaka

On 25th October, 2015 First Security Islami Bank Limited donated a computer to Din Bazar High School, Kajaldighi, Debigonj Union, Purbatan Chit Mohol, Panchagarh. Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank and Mr. Md. Mostafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over the computer to the Head Master of Din Bazar High School. Among others Mr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Zonal Head, Rajshahi Zone of First Security Islami Bank Limited, High Official of Bangladesh Bank were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2015 was held at Kawkhali Govt. K.G Union High School, Pirojpur on 15 September, 2015. Twenty Eight Thousand students from four schools participated on the program. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Sponsored the program. Mr. A. K. M Shamimul Huq Siddiqui,Deputy Commissioner,Pirojpor District hended over a tree plant to the School Head Masters of the Schools. It may be noted that, First Security Islami Bank Limited is the title sponsor of the program. ATN Bangla & ATN News is the Electronic Media partner, The Daily Samakal is the print media partner, Dot Silicon is the IT partner of the program.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility First Security Islami Bank Limited distributed blankets among poor & cold-hit people at Dhupoil Bazar, Natore. Mr. S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank handed over the blankets. Among others Mr. Md. Siddiqur Rahman, Director-General of IMED, Ministry of Planning, Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Manager and Officers of Dhupoil Bazar Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited & local elites were present on the occasion.

22 October, 2014 Health Care Clinic SHEBA Jessore Branch of Bangladesh Air Force Womens Welfare Association (BAFWWA) at Jessore was inaugurated. Begum Mary Enam, President of Bangladesh Air Force Womens Welfare Association (BAFWWA) and Mr. A.A.M. Zakaria, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated the Health Care Clinic SHEBA. It may be noted that, SHEBA provides health care support to the fourth class officers and families of Air Force. Among others, Begum Wahida Hossain, Regional President of BAFWWA, Air Commodore M Sayed Hossain, gup, psc, Base Commander, Base Bir Sreshto Matiur Rahman, Wifes of High Officers of Bangladesh Air Force, Mr. Sye Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Branch Managers of Jessore Zone of First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. provided 80 pcs Wheel Chair to Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. to be used for the convenience of old aged and sick passengers in the different airports of the country. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank handed over the wheel chairs to Md. Zahid Hossain, Managing Director of Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. in a simple program organized in this regard at Biman Bangladesh Airline?s head office on 08 August 2022. Among others, Md. Siddiqur Rahman (Joint Secretary), Director Customer Services, Air Commodore Md. Mahbub Jahan Khan, BBP, psc (Retd.) of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Shahazada Basunia, Senior Vice President and Head of Public Affairs & Brand Communication Division of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited donated 10,00,000(Ten Lac Taka) only for constructing class rooms for Raj Textile Secondary School, Jessore on 04 August 2014. Mr. A.A.M. Zakaria, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over the Cheque to Md. Shamsul Alam, Chairman, Support Foundation of Trusty Board of Raj Textile Secondary School. Among others Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL, Mr. Kader Nawas, General Secretary, Trusty Board, Mr. Wahidul Alam & Mr. Masum Nazrul, Members of Trusty Board of Raj Textile Secondary School were also present on the occasion.

FIRST SECURITY ISLAMI BANK LTD handed over blankets to Bangladesh Bank for cold hit people of the country recently. Mr. A.F.M Asaduzzaman, General Manager, Governors Secretariat of Bangladesh Bank received those blankets from Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing, Development and Public Relations Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others Mr. Amirul Islam, Officer, Marketing and Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Ltd and other officials of Bangladesh Bank were also present on the occasion.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility First Security Islami Bank Limited distributed blankets among poor & cold-hit people at Karwan Bazar. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) handed over the blankets. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mohammad Jamil Akhtar, Manager, Karwan Bazar Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited & local elites were present on the occasion.

Logo of First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2015 is unveiled on 02 June, 2015. The main purpose of the event is to create awareness regarding Environment, Saving of Environment and Changes of calamity among the people of coastal areas. This program will be held at 19 districts of costal area. On the logo unveiling program Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chairman of ATN Bangla & ATN News, Mr. Ajoy Das Gupta, Associate Editor, Daily Samakal, Mr. Md. Mizanul Islam, FAVP, MIS Division & Green Banking Unit, First Security Islami Bank Limited were given speech. Among others, Divisional Head(s), Branch Managers of Dhaka City Corporation, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Advisors of ATN Bangla and other officials were also present on the logo unveiling program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited donated 2500 Pcs blankets for recent earthquake victim of Nepal as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility. With the presence of Dr. Atiur Rahman, Honorable Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited handed over those blankets to Mr. Hari Kumar Shrestha, the Ambassador of Nepal. Among others Mr. S. K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Azam Khan, Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited & other high officials of Bangladesh Bank were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2015 held at Hazirhat Model Secondary School, Monpura, Bhola on 10 September, 2015. Alok Jattra Team published a Wall Magazine named Belabhumi and prize was given among the winners of Essay Competition. Mr. Ershad Hossain Khan, TNO, Monpura Upozilla, Mr. Alamgir Hossain, Head Master, Hazirhat Model Secondary School & Convener Shobuj upokul-2015, Mr. Md. Monjurul Ahsan, Manager, Bhola Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Mr. Abul Kashem Matabbor, Deputy Commander, Monpura Freedom Fighter Foundation, Mr. Rafiqul Islam, Director, Upokul Bangladesh, Juran Chandra Mojumder, Lecturer, Monpura Monowara Begum Mohila College, Mr. Abdullah Jewel, Organizing Secretary, Monpura Press Club and others were present on the occasion. It may be noted that, First Security Islami Bank Limited is the title sponsor of the program. ATN Bangla & ATN News is the Electronic Media partner, The Daily Samakal is the print media partner, Dot Silicon is the IT par

First Security Islami Bank Limited donated for establishment of library building of Muksudpur Girls High School as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 11th November 2015, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated library building of Muksudpur Girls High. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division, Mr. Abdur Rouf, SAVP and Manager, FSIBL Muksudpur Branch were presents as special guest of the program. Local Elites were also present on the occasion.

Closing of First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2015 held at Bishwa Shahitto Kendro on 07 January, 2016. Mr. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, CEO, Bishwa Shahitto Kendro was present as Chief Guest, Mr. Mohammad Naushad Ali Chowdhury, Execitive Director of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Mir Md. Motahar Hassain, Advisio (Administration) of ATN Bangla & ATN News, Mr. Abul Khair Chowdhury, General Manager (Marketing) of Daily Samakal was present as Special Guest. The program was presided over by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL. On the occasion a short film was displayed regarding First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2015 & Website of Upokul Bangladesh was inaugurated. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office, Manager of Dhaka City Branches of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Rafiqul Islam Montu, Director, Upokul Bangladesh and other officials were also present on the occasion. It may be noted that, First Security I

Forty (40) Meritorious and Financial Challenged Residential Students of Dhaka University have got Special Scholarship from First Security Islami Bank Ltd on 10 February, 2016. They are entitled to get monthly 5,000 Taka each for 01 (one) year as scholarship. Prof. Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University was present as Chief Guest; Mr. S. K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd were present as Special Guest on the scholarship hand over program. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd handed over the Chaque to Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul- Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, Dhaka University.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director and Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited donated an Air Conditionar to Noorpur Kazibari Jame Masjeed,Vill: Noorpur, P.O: G.M Hat, Feni. Mr. Kazi Md. Neyamat Ullah, Head of ICC(DMD), Rupali Bank Ltd. received the Air Condition on behalf of the Masjeed. Among others Mr. Mohammad Abdul Quddus, Chief Executive Officer, FSIBL Foundation, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Shobuj Upokul-2016 was inaugurated on 05 June, 2016. The main purpose of the event is to create awareness among the school going students as well as their guardians regarding Environment, Saving of Environment and Changes. More than 40,000 children from 25 Upozilas of 14 districts of costal area are expected to cover this year. On the inauguration program Mr. SK Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank present as Chief Guest. The program was presided over by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Additional Managing Director, Deputy Directors, Divisional Heads of Head Office and Branch Managers of Dhaka City Branches, FSIBL, Mr. Ashish Ghosh Saikat, Managing Editor, Daily Ittefaq, Mr. Robiul Hasan, Director, Marketing & Broad Cast, ETV, Mr. Ziaur Rahman, Special Correspondent, The Financial Express, Mr. Ahmed Imtiaj Sabbir, Producer & Presenter, Radio Bhumi, Mr. Shahad Ershad, News Correspondence,

Closing Ceremony of FSIBL Shobuj Upokul-2016 was held on January 11, 2017. The bank sponsored the program as a part of green banking activities to create public awareness at coastal area with the participation of school going students. About 77,923 students from 25 Upozilas of 14 districts of costal area were participated the program. Rally, Competition of easy writing, letter writing, tree plantation, seminar, gift distribution, publication of souvenir etc. were other parts of the program. The program was presided over by Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s), Principal of Training Institute, Head of Divisions of Head Office, Branch Managers of Dhaka City Branches, Representative of Media Partners, Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Montu, Director, Upokul Bangladesh & organizer, FSIBL Shobuj Upokul 2016 and others officials were present on the occasion.Closing Ceremony of F

An exchange meeting regarding modern technology based remittance payment system held on 27 September, 2018 at Rome, Italy. The program was organized by First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L with the participation of its agent and clients. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was chief guest of the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Hamid Alam, Country Manager, Mr. Farid Ahmed Bhuyian, Operations Manager, Mr. Rahat Jaman, Office Dean, First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L were present in the program.

A School Banking Conference held at Cumilla organized by First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as a Lead Bank of Financial Inclusion Program in Educational Institutions through Lead Banking System under the instruction of Bangladesh Bank. The conference would let the students know about savings, creating savings mentality and growing up with a positive view of savings through school banking is the main objective of this program.   Mr. Md. Abul Bashar, General Manager, Bangladesh Bank was present on the occasion as Chief Guest and Mr. Abdullah Al-Mamun, Additional Police Super (Administration & Finance), Cumilla presided over the program. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank, Mr. Md. Nurul Hoque, General Manager, Sonali Bank Limited, Mrs. Parvina Akter, General Manager, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Mr. Zahid Hossain Siddik, Additional District Magistrate, Cumilla, Mr. A. H. M. Rafiqul Islam, Joint Director, Financial Inclusion Departme

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided financial assistance to the Pothikrit Samajkalyan Sangstha's 'Oxygen to Save Lives' program for the treatment of people infected with the corona virus. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the Bank handed over the check to Mr. Abdullah Al Kafi, Representative of the Pothikrit Samajkalyan Sangstha. In his brief speech, the Additional Managing Director of the bank expressed his hope to continue the cooperation of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. against the corona virus.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided financial assistance recently for essential food items, shelter and medical treatment to the people affected by the terrible cyclone Yash in the coastal region of the country. Mr. Mohammad Monirul Islam, Manager of FSIBL Satkhira Branch conducted the program to provide financial assistance to the victims. Among others, Mr. Alhaj Abu Daud Dhali, Former Chairman of Protapnagar Union of Satkhira District, Mr. Md. Riasat Ali, Head Master of Nakna Primary School along with notable personalities of the area were present at the time.

Md. Iqbal Hossain, 26, is the opening batsman of Bangladesh Physically Handicapped Cricket Team. At the age of one and a half, he contracted polio and became paralyzed. From the thigh of his left leg, he gradually became thinner and as a result he lost the ability to move normally. In 2016, Md. Iqbal Hossain got a chance in the national team out of about five thousand competitors after seeing an advertisement in a newspaper for an advertisement for the Bangladesh Physically Handicapped Cricket Team. Iqbal Hossain has participated in several international games at home and abroad. Received many awards. He has brought respect for the country. However, despite earning many honors and awards for the country, financial prosperity did not come to Iqbal's family. "When I got a chance to play in the national team, I thought that at least my mother and brother should not go without food. I will be able to make the dilapidated house a little stronger this time, but our luck is bad. If not, why s

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. The program was jointly organized in Mirpur, Dhaka by the organization Run-25 and Gaongram. Mr. Khundkar Shamim Ahmed, Zonal Head of Dhaka North Zone, Mr. Humayun Rashid Jony, Counselor, Mirpur 14 No. Ward, Mr. Md. Shadat Hussain, Manager of Mirpur Branch of the Bank and Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, President of Run-25 along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. The program was organized by Patiya Club. Mr. Md. Ayub Babul, Mayor, Patiya Municipality, Mr. Faisal Ahmed, UNO, Patiya, Mr. Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, Zonal Head of Chattogram North Zone, Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, Zonal Head of Chattogram South Zone, Mr. Muhammad Amir Hussain, Manager Operation of Khatungonj Branch and Mr. Mohammad Ullah, Manager of Patiya Branch along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. The program was organized by Gausia Moinia Taiyebia Sunnia Pathagar (GMTSP), Chanhara, Patiya, Chattogram. Mr. Shekh Abu Naser, Advisor of GMTSP and Mr. Khurshed Alam, Principal Officer of Khulshi Branch, Mr. Md. Jamal Uddin, Senior Officer of Zonal Office, Chattogram North Zone, Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Senior Officer of Sadarghat Branch, Mr. Md. Ariful Islam, Senior Officer (Cash) of Pahartoli Branch of the Bank along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. The program was organized by Satkania Diabetic Samity, Chattogram. Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, EVP & Zonal Head, Chattogram South Zone, Mr. Abul Kalam Shamsul Hoque, Chairman, Satkania Diabetic Samity, Mr. Abdul Sukkur, Vice-Chairman, Satkania Diabetic Samity, Ms. Afroza Sharmin, Woman Councilor, Satkania Municipalty, Mr. Md. Jahir Uddin Sikder, Vice President, Zonal Office, Chattogram South Zone, Mr. Md. Ferdous Ahmed, SAVP & Manager, Keranihat Branch, Mr. Mohammad Mamun-Or Rashid, FAVP & Manager, Mirzakhil Branch of the Bank along with other officials were present in the program.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has spread in the form of a global pandemic, creating the biggest global crisis of all time. The number of victims and deaths in Bangladesh is constantly increasing. At this crisis moment, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided food assistance to the people distressed by corona virus. The program was organized by Satkania Diabetic Samity, Chattogram. Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, EVP & Zonal Head, Chattogram South Zone, Mr. Abul Kalam Shamsul Hoque, Chairman, Satkania Diabetic Samity, Mr. Abdul Sukkur, Vice-Chairman, Satkania Diabetic Samity, Ms. Afroza Sharmin, Woman Councilor, Satkania Municipalty, Mr. Md. Jahir Uddin Sikder, Vice President, Zonal Office, Chattogram South Zone, Mr. Md. Ferdous Ahmed, SAVP & Manager, Keranihat Branch, Mr. Mohammad Mamun-Or Rashid, FAVP & Manager, Mirzakhil Branch of the Bank along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. donated 60pcs Oxygen Concentrators to Feni 250 Bed General Hospital and Chhagalnaiya Health Complex, Feni for the Treatment of Covid-19 Patients. Chief Guest Mr. Nizam Uddin Hazari, MP, Mr. Shamsul Karim Mazumder, Head of FSIBL Cumilla Zonal Office, Dr. Rafikus Salehin, Civil Surgeon, Feni, Prof. Dr. Sahedul Islam Kauser, President, BMA, Feni, Dr. Mohammad Robyat Been Karim, Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer, Chhagalnaiya, Feni along with other officials were participated in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has donated 20 Oxygen Concentrators to Madhabpur Upazila Health Complex, Habiganj for the treatment of Covid-19 patients. Mr. Mustak Ahmed, Manager of Noapara Bazar Branch has handed over the oxygen concentrators to Dr. A. H. M. Ishtiaque Mamun, Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer (UHFPO), Madhabpur, Habiganj in the presence of Mr. Sheikh Moinul Islam Moin, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Madhabpur, Mr. Mamun Al Hasan, Upazila Agriculture Officer, Madhabpur and Syed Ataul Mostofa Sohel, Chairman, Noapara Union Parishad.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has given scholarship to meritorious and financial challenged students of Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. Prof. Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University was present as Chief Guest in the program organized in this regard at Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka on May 28, 2017. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Selim R. F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO, Brac Bank Limited were present as special guest in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present in the program. There are 50 Students of Dhaka University are entitled to get monthly 5,000/- Taka each as scholarship.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has given scholarship to meritorious and financial challenged students of Faculty of Business Studies of Dhaka University. Prof. Dr. Akhtaruzzaman, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University was present as Chief Guest in the program organized in this regard at Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka on May 06, 2018. Mr. Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present as special guest in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited was present in the program. There are 50 Students of Dhaka University are entitled to get monthly 5,000/- Taka each as scholarship.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has given scholarship to meritorious and financial challenged students of Faculty of Business Studies of Dhaka University. Prof. Dr. Akhtaruzzaman, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University was present as Chief Guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited was present as special guest in the program organized in this regard at Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka on 4 July, 2019. Among others, Prof. Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present in the program. There are 50 Students of Dhaka University are entitled to get monthly 5,000/- Taka each as scholarship.

Agreement Signing

First Security Islami Bank PLC signed an agreement with T360 Tours and Travels. As a result, the agencies of T360 Tours and Travels can instantly issue the clients ticket by using FSIB payment gateway. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank and Mr. Fahim Shahriar Ratul, Managing Partner and CEO of T360 Tours and Travels exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah and Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director(s), Chowdhury Moshtaq Ahmed, CFO, T360 Tours & Travels, concerned Divisional Heads and Branch Manager along with other officials were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. signed a remittance account validation agreement with ekpay. As a result, the customer can verify the account before sending the remittance from abroad and send the remittance to the correct account. Mr. Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division, Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam Shohel, FAVP, ADC Division, First Security Islami Bank and Mr. Shafiqul Islam, Mr. Shahadat Hossen and Saida Fahmida on behalf of ekpay were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank PLC signed an agreement with Jagorani Adarsha School, Aftabnagar, Dhaka for collecting all kinds of fees through FirstCash. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank PLC & A.K.M. Muniruzzaman, Principal of Jagorani Adarsha School exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations. Among others, Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division & Mohammed Mostafa, Manager, Aftabnagar Branch along with other officials were present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. signed an agreement with Addie Soft Ltd. to provide efficient payment solutions to more than 300 renowned educational institutions. Students of the institutions will be able to pay their academic fees & others through using digital banking channel FSIBL ?Cloud? and Mobile Financial Services ?First Cash?. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Md. Sakib Rabbani, Managing Director of Addie Soft Limited exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Md. Zahurul Haque and Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mohammad Musudur Rahman, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division, Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, Head of Marketing and Business Development Division, Md. Mushfiqur Rahman, Head of ICT Division along with other officials were present in the occasion. A Doa Mahfil was organized in this regard.

Bangladesh Bank and First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently signed a participation agreement on ?Green Transformation Fund? to accelerate the growth of environment friendly production and export oriented sector of the country. Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder, Honb?le Governor of Bangladesh Bank and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Kazi Sayedur Rahman, Deputy Governor, Mr. Md. Khurshid Alam, Executive Director, Mr. Chowdhury Liakat Ali, Director, Sustainable Finance Department of Bangladesh Bank along with other concerned officials also were present in the program.

Bangladesh Bank and First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently signed an participation agreement under refinancing scheme for investment in Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium sector. For the development and enhancement of the country?s cottage, micro, small and medium (CMSME) industries, investment will be distributed among these sectors entrepreneurs on easy terms and low profit rate where manufacturing and service sectors will be given priority. In the presence of Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder, Honb?le Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Jaker Hossain, Director, SME and Special Programs Department of Bangladesh Bank exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Abu Farah Md. Nasser, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank along with other officials also present in the program organized in this regard at Bangladesh Bank Head Office.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. signed Remittance Drawing Agreement recently at the Head Office of SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. located at Park Royal, London, United Kingdom. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Mohannad Fouzie Mahrat, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Under this agreement, Expatriates can send their remittance through SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. to First Security Islami Bank Ltd.?s branches, sub-branches and agent banking outlets favoring their beneficiaries in the form of cash pick up or account credit.

First Security Islami Bank Limited signed a corporate health care agreement with Max Hospital, Mehedibag, Chattogram for discounted medical treatment facilities for FSIBL employees and their dependents. Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, EVP & Head of Chattogram South Zonal Office of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Dr. Md. Likat Ali Khan, Managing Director of Max Hospital exchanged the agreement letter on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Mohammad Osman, Manager, Prabartak Mor Branch, Ms. Syeda Nazma Maleka, Manager, Mohila Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited and Dr. Abul Kashem, Medical Director, Dr. Panchanan Chakrabarti, Finance Director of Max Hospital along with other officials were present in the occasion.

Bangladesh Bank and First Security Islami Bank Ltd. signed an agreement on Automated Challan System. Mr. Ahmed Jamal, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as chief guest in the program organized in this regard on 26 August, 2021 at Bangladesh Bank Head Office. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Forkan Hossain, General Manager of Bangladesh signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others A.K.M. Mohiuddin Azad, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank and high officials of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were present on the occasion. From now on, Passport Fee, Customs Duty, Income Tax and other government fees can be deposited through all branches and sub-branches of First Security Islami Bank

An exchange meeting regarding modern technology based remittance payment system held recently at port city Naples, Italy. The program was organized by First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L with the participation of its agents and clients. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was present as chief guest in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Hamid Alam, Country Manager, Mr. Farid Ahmed Bhuyian, Operations Manager, Mr. Rahat Jaman, Executive Officer, First Security Islami Exchange, Italy S.R.L were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited renewed the Memorandum of Understanding for National e-Government Procurement (e-GP) of the Government of the People?s Republic of Bangladesh which is developed, owned and being operated by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), IME Division, Ministry of Planning. Mr. Md. Ali Noor, Director General, CPTU, IMED, Ministry of Planning and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited exchanged renewal agreement on behalf of their own organization. Among others, Mr. Shahazada Basunia, SVP & Head of Head of Public Affairs and Brand Communication Division, First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hussain, Senior System Analyst, CPTU, IMED, Ministry of Planning along with other officials were present in the occasion.

Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited (BGDCL) & First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed an agreement for online gas bill collection. An agreement signing ceremony was organized in this regard on 17 June, 2019 at BGDCL head office, Cumilla. Under this agreement, Customers of BGDCL can pay their gas bills through any branches of FSIBL. Engineer Nizam Shariful Islam Managing Director, BGDCL and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, FSIBL exchanged the agreement from their respective organizations. Among others, high officials of Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited and First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed agreement with Padma Islami Life Insurance Limited (PILIL) regarding life insurance facilities to FSIBL employees & clients on 13 March 2019 at FSIBL Head Office. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL and Dr. Chowdhury Mohammad Wasiuddin, FCA, FCMA Managing Director, PILIL exchanged the agreement letter on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair & Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Oli Kamal, FCS, Company Secretary, FSIBL and Mr. Md. Morshed Alam Siddiqui, Senior Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Abu Sayed Sarker, Asst. Company Secretary, Mr. Md. Nurul Alam, Asst. Manager, PILIL along with other high officials of both organizations were present on the occasion.

An Agreement signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and a2i (Access to Information) for collecting utility bills through FSIBL Mobile Banking ?FirstPay SureCash? & FSIBL i-Banking, using the EkPay Payment Portal. EkPay is a project of a2i under ICT Ministry, providing a single point payment platform for customers. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL, and Mr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, PAA, Additional Secretary & Project Director of a2i signed the agreement on behalf of their own organizations. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, SVP and Head, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, VP, Alternative Delivery Channel Division, ABM Arshad Hossain, Additional Secretary, ICTD, Tohurul Hasan, Programme Manager of a2i & Shahadat Hossain, National Consultant of a2i, along with the other officials of both the organizations were also present on the occasion.

An agreement of sponsorship of ?First Security Islami Bank 9th National School Hockey Tournament 2019? signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited and Bangladesh Hockey Federation. Air Chief Marshal?Masihuzzaman Serniabat, BBP, OSP, ndu, psc, Chief of Air Staff and President of Bangladesh Hockey Federation and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Vice President of Bangladesh Hockey Federation and Chairman & Managing Director of ATN Bangla, Mr. Abdus Sadeque, General Secretary, Bangladesh Hockey Federation, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair & Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director(s), First Security Islami Bank Limited and other high officials were present in the program.

On 19 August, 2018 Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) & First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed an agreement for computerized online system gas bill collection. Customers of Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited can pay bills through any branches of FSIBL. On the presence of Engineer Mir Mashiur Rahman, Managing Director, Mr. Mahmudur Rab, General Manager-Administration Division and Company Secretary (Additional Charge), Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited & Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, FSIBL signed the agreement from their respective organizations. Among others, high officials of Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited and Mr. A.K. Mohammad Jawadul Haque, Head of Marketing & Business Development Division and Mr. M. M. Mostafizur Rahman, Manager, Karwan Bazar Branch were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and Max Money SDN BHD signed Remittance Drawing Agreement recently at Max Money SDN BHD Head Office Premises, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL and Mr. Abda Hamid, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Max Money SDN BHD signed the agreement on behalf of their own Company. Under this agreement, Expatriates can send their remittance through Max Money SDN BHD to FSIBL branches and agent banking locations favoring their beneficiaries in the form of cash pick up or account credit.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and NCC Bank Ltd. Signed 2 (two) remittance drawing agreement to provide safe and prompt remittance services through First Security Islami Exchange Italy, SRL and PRABHU Money Transfer from expatriate Bangladeshis located in Europe, North America and Asian countries. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Mosleh Uddin Ahmed, Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank Ltd. signed the agreement on 9 May, 2018 at NCC Bank head office. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank, Mr. Khondoker Nayeemul Kabir, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. AZM Saleh, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director, NCC Bank were present in the signing ceremony. In addition, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam, Remittance In-charge of First Security Islami Bank and Mr. Muhammad H. Kafi, Head of Operations, Mr. J H Shahedi, Head o

On 16 July, 2017 First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed a tripartite agreement with US-Bangla Airlines and SureCash for payment collection of customers and agencies of US-Bangla Airlines through FSIBL Mobile Banking ?FirstPay SureCash?. Mr. Imran Asif, CEO, US-Bangla Airlines, Mr. Md. Shahadatullah Khan (Ph.D.), CEO, Progoti Systems Limited and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, FSIBL, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, VP & Head of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking, FSIBL, Mr. Sohail Majid, Deputy Director, Marketing & Sales, US-Bangla Airlines, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, FVP, Agent Banking & Mobile Banking Division, FSIBL, Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, AVP, PSL and other officials of respective organizations were also present on the occasion.

On 21 June, 2017 First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed Agreement with Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) for Electricity Bill Collection through FSIBL Agent Banking. Mr. Md. Nazmul Haque, Controller, Finance & Accounts Division, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) & Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, Head of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking Division signed agreement for their respective organizations. Among others Mr. Md. Hossain Patwary, Director, Finance, FMT Cell, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Deputy Director, Finance, FMT Directorate, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, FVP, Agent Banking & Mobile Banking Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and other officers of both the organizations were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited signed Remittance Drawing Agreement with Brac Saajan Exchange Limited, U.K on November 16, 2016 in the Head Office of Brac Saajan Exchange Ltd. located in Birmingham, England. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. & Mr. Abdus Salam, Founder Managing Director & CEO, Brac Saajan Exchange Ltd. U.K signed in the agreement on behalf of their own organization. The clients of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. can receive remittance through Brac Saajan Exchange Ltd. in cash over the counter as well as Bank Account credit.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Labaid for corporate health care service to FSIBL card holders, employees and their dependents. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing, Development & Public Relations Division, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Al Emran Chowdhury, Chief Operating Officer, Labaid Hospitals Ltd. exchanged the agreement letter on behalf of their own organization. Among others, High Officials of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Labaid were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited renewed the Memorandum of Understanding for National e-Government Procurement (e-GP) of the Government of the People?s Republic of Bangladesh which is developed, owned and being operated by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), IME Division of Ministry of Planning. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, FSIBL & Mr. Md. Faruque Hossain, Director General (Additional Secretary), CPTU, IMED, Ministry of Planning are exchanging renewal agreement in this regards. Among others, Mr. Aziz Taher Khan, Director, CPTU, IMED, Ministry of Planning, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing, Development & PRD, Mr. Md. Ahsanul Hoque, FAVP, ICT Division, FSIBL were present in the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Universal Medical College & Hospital Ltd (Former Aysha Memorial Hospital) for Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Employees, their Dependents and Debit Card Holders. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of the bank is seen exchanging the agreement with Mr. A K M Sahed Hossain, Business Development Manager, Universal Medical College & Hospital Ltd on behalf of their own organization. Among others, Officers of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited and Universal Medical College & Hospital Ltd. were also present on the occasion.

On 19 May, 2016 First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) regarding Collection of Electricity Bills through Online Services and Mobile Banking Services ?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash?. Brig General (Retd) Md. Nazrul Hasan, Managing Director of DPDC, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL, Md. Ramiz Uddin Sarker, Executive Director (Engineering), DPDC, Dr. Shadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Ltd, Mr. Md.Abdul Aziz, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, Head, Agent Banking & Mobile Banking of First Security Islami Bank Limited and other high officials were also present on the occasion. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Engineer Md. Monir Chowdhury, Secretary, DPDC.

On 13 April, 2016 First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs a agreement with Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) regarding Collection of Electricity Bills through Mobile Banking Services by FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash and Online Services. Brig General Md Shahid Sarwar,ndc, psc(Retd), Managing Director, DESCO, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Dr. Shadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Ltd. and other high officials were also present on the occasion. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Engineer Zulfiquar Tahmid, Company Secretary, DESCO.

First Security Islami Bank Limited exchanged Remittance Drawing Agreement with Uttara Bank Limited through First Security Islami Exchange, Italy. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL & Mr. Shaikh Abdul Aziz, Managing Director & CEO, Uttara Bank Limited is seen exchanging agreement in this regards. Among others, Mr. Mohammed Rabiul Hossain, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Khandaker Ali Samnoon, General Manager and Head of International Division, Uttara Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Mostafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, SAVP, International Division, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, In-charge, Remittance Operation, FSIBL and other officials of both the bank were also present on the occasion.

An agreement signed for NID Verification Services between Election Commission Bangladesh &First Security Islami Bank Limited on 25 February, 2016 at the Election Commission, Dhaka. With the presence of Brigadier General Sultanuzzaman Md. Saleh Uddin, Director General, NID wing of Election Commission Bangladesh &Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited; Mr. Syed Mohammad Musa, Director(Operations), NID Registration Division, Election Commission Secretariat &Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited signed the agreement. Among other, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, in charge, Agent Banking & Mobile Banking, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited and other officials were also present in the occasion.

An agreement signed for Long-term Financing Facility under Financial Sector Support Project between Bangladesh Bank & First Security Islami Bank Limited on 28 January, 2016 at the Bangladesh Bank, Head Office. Mr. Subhankar Saha, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank & Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited exchanged the agreement in this regard. Among others, Mr. Joarder Israil Hossain, General Manager, Financial Sector Support & Strategic Planning Department, Mr. A.N.M. Abul Kashem, General Manager, Foreign Exchange Investment Department, Mr. Kazi Sayedur Rahman, General Manager, Forex Reserve & Treasury Management Department, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited and other officials were also present in the occasion.

A Remittance Agreement has been signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) & TRANSFAST on 14 January, 2016 at the Head Office of FSIBL. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of FSIBL & Mr. Samir Vidhate, Director-EMEAA, of TRANSFAST exchanged the agreement in this regard. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, SAVP, International Division, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, In-charge, Remittance Operation, FSIBL and Mr. Mohammad Khairuzzaman, Country Head, Bangladesh of TRANSFAST were also present in the occasion.

A Remittance Agreement has been signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) & TRANSFAST on 14 January, 2016 at the Head Office of FSIBL. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of FSIBL & Mr. Samir Vidhate, Director-EMEAA, of TRANSFAST exchanged the agreement in this regard. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, SAVP, International Division, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, In-charge, Remittance Operation, FSIBL and Mr. Mohammad Khairuzzaman, Country Head, Bangladesh of TRANSFAST were also present in the occasion.

RIA Remittance Agreement has been signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) & South East Bank Limited on 28 December, 2015 at the Head Office of FSIBL. In the presence of Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of FSIBL; Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, FSIBL & Mr. Md. Amir Hossain Bhuian, Head of Foreign Remittance Division, South East Bank Ltd. exchanged the agreement in this regard. Among others, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, SAVP, International Division, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, In-charge, Remittance Operation, FSIBL and Ms. Shamima Akthar Rakhee of Southeast Bank Limited were also present in the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited Signed First Security Islami Exchange, Italy Remittance Sub-Agency Agreement with NRB Global Bank Limited. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL & Mr. Abdul Quddus, Managing Director, NRB Global Bank Limited is seen exchanging agreement in this regards. Among others, Mr. RQM Forkan, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Kazi Mashiur Rahman Jayhad, SEVP, Mr. Zulfiker Ahmed Khan, Head of International Division, NRB Global Bank Limited, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, SAVP, Mr. Minto Talukder, FAVP, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, Remittance In charge of FSIBL and other officials of both the bank were also present on the occasion.

FSIBL Mobile Banking FirstPay SureCash of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated at Queens School & College on 26 May, 2015. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited, Dr. K.F. Huda, Chairman, Queens School & College exchange MOU in this regards. Among others, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, Chief Business Officer, Progoti Systems Limited, Prof. Altaf Hossain, Principal, Mr. Saikat Mostafiz, Mr. Abdul Kaiyum, Vice Principal (s), Mr. Salahuddin, Senior vice Principal, Queens School & College and other officials were also present on the occasion. From now, Students or Guardians could pay tuition fees easily anytime from their home through FSIBL FirstPay SureCash.

On 17 February, 2015 on the presence of Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Sarwar Hossain, West Zone Power Distribution Company and Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO of Progoty Systems is seen exchanging corporate agreement for collection of electricity bill through First Security Islami Bank Limited Mobile Banking Service FSIBL First pay Sure Cash. 7, 50,000 clients of West Zone Power Distribution Company can pay their electricity bills through Mobile Banking Services of FSIBL. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing, Development and Public Relations Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. C. M Motahar Hossain, Project Director, West Zone Power Distribution Company, Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, CBO, Progoty Systems and Mr. S.M Salah Uddin, FVP, Progoty Systems were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated Mobile Banking Services FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash at Solar Intercontinental (Solaric) Limited on 29 December 2014. Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division of FSIBL, Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited, Mr. Didar Islam, Managing Director, Solar Intercontinental (Solaric) Limited is seen exchanging MOU in this regards. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division of FSIBL, Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, Chief Business Officer, Progoti Systems Limited were also present on the occasion. From now, Clients can purchase & pay installment amount of Solar Panel costs through FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash.

Inauguration ceremony of Dhaka WASA bill payment through First Security Islami Bank Limited?s (FSIBL) Mobile Financial Services ?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash? on 20 October, 2014 at Amari Dhaka Hotel. Mr. A.A.M. Zakaria, Managing Director, FSIBL handed over a dummy to Engineer Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director, Dhaka WASA. Among others Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL, Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited, High Officials of Dhaka WASA were also present on the occasion. From now, customers of Dhaka WASA can pay Water Bills through Mobile Banking Services of First Security Islami Bank Limited.

In the presence of Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited; Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Agreement for providing 1,00,000/- (One Lac Taka) only Life Insurance Facility against various FSIBL Deposit Schemes with Mr. Md. Rafiq Ahmed, Chief Financial Officer, Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited recently. Among others, Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Mr. Rezwan Khan, Officers of FSIBL, Mr. Md. Shahidur Rahman, Senior Vice President, Mr. Md. Sohel Hossen Howalder, Assistant Vice President, Group Insurance Department of Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs a corporate agreement with Digicon Technologies Limited regarding Telemarketing recently. Next four months Digicon Technologies will call around 24,000 mothers who have school, college & university going children. They will promote FSIBL Mudaraba Students Saving Account (ANKUR) (School Banking) for School going students & FSIBL Mudaraba New Generation Savings Account (Projonmo), FSIBL Mudaraba New Generation Deposit Scheme (Uddipon) for College & University going students. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Wahid Sharif, Managing Director, Digicon Technologies Limited. Among others Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Saklain, FAVP, ICT Division, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Officer, Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Azmal H Azim, Director, Ms. Zaf

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Employees and Debit Card Holders with Prof. Md. Sirajul Islam, Director of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital for medical services on 15 June 2014. Among others Mr. M Mayeenul Islam, Director (Administration), Mr. AHM Mainul Islam, Director (Account) of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital, Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Mr. Rezoan Khan, Mr. Ismail Sardar, Officers, Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) Sponsored National School Hockey Tournament 2015 with an amount of Tk. 2 Crore. In this connection, a MOU has been signed by First Security Islami Bank Limited and Bangladesh Hockey Federation. ?Air Marshal Enamul Bari, bbp,ndu, psc, the President of Bangladesh Hockey Federation, Mr. A.A.M Zakaria, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chairman of ATN Bangla & ATN News, Mr. Khaza Rahmatullah, General Secretary, Bangladesh Hockey Federation, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited? ?were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed a corporate agreement with Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB) recently. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Bahar, President of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh have signed the agreement on behalf of their organizations. Under this agreement Hajjis of Bangladesh can deposit their money for going to Hajj in First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others Mr. Sheikh Abdullah, Secretary General of HAAB, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Officer of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Debit Card Holders with Dr. Shagufa Anwar, GM-Business Development, Apollo Hospitals Dhaka for medical services on March 19, 2014. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Nazrul Islam Moonce, Senior Principal Officer, Public Relations Division, Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, Officer, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Officer, Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Mahfuz Alam, Manager-Corporate Marketing, Md. Asaf-Ud-Dowla, Executive-Corporate Marketing, Business Development of Apollo Hospitals Dhaka were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed an agreement with E-Cash Ltd. & IT Consultants Ltd. Under this agreement Account Holders of the Bank can easily pay on the Online Shopping, ATM Cash Facilities, POS transaction at merchants & Post office, Local & Foreign inbound Remittance, money transfers. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Zobair H Khandker, Chairman, E-Cash Ltd. & Mr. Kazi Saifuddin Munir, Managing Director & CEO IT Consultants Ltd. Among others Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information Communication Technology Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Md. Ashraful Hoq, FCA of First Security Islami Bank, Mr. Shezan Shams, Managing Director & CEO of E-Cash Ltd., Mr. Osman Haidar, Director, Business of IT Consultants Ltd. and other officials were present on

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an agreement with Hotel Agrabad. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, SEVP, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Mr. Shahin Md. Nowshad, Senior Manager (Sales & Marketing), Hotel Agrabad. Employees of FSIBL will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among others Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, SEVP, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Muhammad Alauddin, Manager, FSIBL Agrabad Branch of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and Mr. Md. Iftekhar Shafi, Manager (Sales & Marketing) of Agrabad Hotel were present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed an agreement with RanksTel Limited. Under this agreement postpaid customers, dealers of RanksTel can pay bills & deposit any amount from anywhere in the country. Moreover Employees & Clients of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) will enjoy special discounted Call Rate. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Abul K. Shamsuddin, Chief Operation Officer, RanksTel. Among others Mr. Quazi Osman Ali & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, SEVP, First Security Islami Bank and other officials were present on the occasion.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director, of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 200 Million with Mr. Khan Tariqul Islam, Deputy Managing Director & CFO of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited recently. Among others Mr. K. Shamshi Tabrez, Managing Director,? Mr. Jalal Uddin Ahmed, SVP & Head of Treasury Division, Mr. Md. Shahid Ullah, Vice President of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, Head of Treasury Division Mr. Md. Zahirul Haque Munshi, Head of Finance & Accounts Division Mr. Md. Ashraful Haque FCA, Head of Marketing & Development Division Mr. Azam Khan of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director, of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 180 Million with Mr. Abdul Jalil Chowdhury, Managing Director (Current Charge) of Mercantile Bank Limited recently. Among others Head of Treasury Division Mr. Md. Zahirul Haque Munshi, Head of Finance & Accounts Division Mr. Md. Ashraful Haque FCA, Head of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. K.M. Abdur Razzaque, Vice President, Mr. Jahangir Javed, FVP & Head of Treasury of Mercantile Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

Citycell signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with First Security Islami Bank Limited on December 24, 2012. Under this MoU, employees and customers of First Security Islami Bank Limited will enjoy special privilege in voice, data and Value Added Services of Citycell. The signing ceremony was held at Citycell Head Office, Mohakhali, Dhaka. Mr. MehboobChowdhury, Chief Executive Officer of Citycell and Mr. Syed WasequeMd Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing, Syed HabibHasnat, Senior Executive Vice President of First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. IftekharMatin, General Manager, Marketing, Mr. Naveed Ahmed Choudhury, Manager and Head of M-Commerce, Mr. ShajedulHasibShadhin,Senior Executive of Citycell with the other officials of both the organizations were also present at the signing ceremony.

Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 500 Million with Mr. Md. Mahbub-Ul- Alam, Deputy Managing Director of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited recently. Among others Mr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director, Mr. Mohammad Nesar Uddin, FCA, FCMA, Head of Finance & Accounts Division of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and Head of Treasury Division Mr. Md. Zahirul Haque Munshi, Head of Finance & Accounts Division Mr. Md. Ashraful Haque FCA of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

FSIBL Signed Agreement with Prime Finance & Investment Limited

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 100 Million with Mr. Ekramul Ameen FCA, Managing Director of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited on November 27, 2012 at the Conference Room of the Bank. Among others, Mr. K.M. Khaled, Chairman, Dr. Mosharraf Hossain FCA, CEO, Mr. Md Nazmul Haque, Consultant of Prime Finance Capital Management Ltd., Mr. Minhaz Zia, Chairman, Asian Tiger Capital Partners Investments Limited and Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an agreement with Hotel Sea Palace Limited. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Mr. Mohammed Nasimul Azim, Chief Executive Officer, Hotel Sea Palace Limited. Employees & ATM Card Holders will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among other Officials of both the organizations were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Rashed-Us-Sattar, Head of Sales & Marketing Division, Seagull Hotels Ltd. on July 18, 2012.? Employees & Clients will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among others, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Probationary Officer, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Rahat Chowdhury ???? , Executive, Sales & Marketing, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Executive, Sales & Marketing, Seagull Hotels Ltd. were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Mohiuddin Khan Khokon, Director Sales & Marketing, Hotel The Cox Today on July 18, 2012. ?Employees & Clients will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among others, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Sumon Shariar, Asst Manager Sales & Marketing, Md. Arif Hossain, Sr Executive Sales & Marketing, Hotel The Cox Today were present on the occasion.

Mr. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Agreement for Mobile Banking with Dr. Shadat Khan of Progoti Systems recently. Among others, Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of IT of the Bank, Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, Ms. Parvin Mustari of Progoti Systems were present on the occasion

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Mr. Md. Afzal Hossain, Market Development Manager, Popular Diagnostic Centre Limited on May 19, 2011. Among others, Mr. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Achinto Kumar Nag, Assistant Manager HR & Admin Popular Diagnostic Centre Limited were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Dr. A.B.M Haroon, Managing Director Samorita Hospital Limited in a ceremony recently. Among others, Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam of Samorita Hospital Limited, Moniruzzaman Chowdhury & Anamika Shobnom of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Mr. A.N.M Tajul Islam, DGM & Head of Marketing The Ibn Sina Trust on May 19, 2011. Among others, Mr. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Faiz Ullah, GM, Accounts & Finance, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, GM, Admin, The Ibn Sina Trust were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Mr. Md. Afzal Hossain, Market Development Manager, Popular Diagnostic Centre Limited on May 19, 2011. Among others, Mr. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Achinto Kumar Nag, Assistant Manager HR & Admin Popular Diagnostic Centre Limited were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Dr. Abu Sayeed M.M. Rahman, Director Clinical Development & Governance, United Hospital Limited for medical services on May 16, 2011. Among others, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Syed Ashraf-Ul Masum, Assistant In-Charge, Marketing, United Hospital Limited were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) has signed a participation agreement with Bangladesh Bank on January 19, 2010 at the Conference Room of Bangladesh Bank. Under this agreement First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) will be able to receive refinance facility from Re-Finance Scheme of Bangladesh Bank for Solar Energy, Bio-Gas & Effluent Treatment Plant(ETP). Mr. A.A.M Zakaria, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) and Mr. Md. Abul Quasem, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Md. Sayedul Hasan, Deputy Managing Director of (FSIBL) were present on the occasion.

An agreement on c redit rating was? signed with the Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd in the Board Room of? Head Office, First Security Bank Ltd on March 13, 2008. Mr. A A M Zakaria Managing Director of First Security Bank Ltd and Dr. Masihur Rahman Managing Director of Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations. High officials of both the organisations were also present at the time of signing ceremony.

First Security Bank Ltd. and UK based Exchange House M/S J.R. Money Transfer and Travel signed an Agreement on June 07, 2007 for remittance facility purpose. As per agreement the expatriates will be able to send the remittance to beneficiaries Account in any places of Bangladesh within shortest possible time. Mr.Ekramullah, Vice-President, International Division of the Bank and Mr. H.M. Joynur Rahman, Proprietor of J.R. Money Transfer and travel exchanged the agreement document. Mr. A A M Zakaria, Managing Director and Mr. Shafiqul Alam Deputy Managing Director of First Security Bank Limited were also present on the occession. Other senior executives of both the organizations were also present.

An agreement was executed on January 29,2008 between Ahsannia ? Malayasia Hajj Investment and Finance Company Ltd and First Security Bank Ltd in the Head Office of the Bank. As per agreement the depositors of the hajj Investment will be able to deposit the money of their hajj instalment in all the branches of the Bank.

An agreement was signed on November 11, 2009 between Mobility One SDN BHB Malaysia and First Security Islami Bank Limited at Petroleum Club for remittance.

Mr. Vatu Shamshir Omar, Mobility One SDN BHB Malaysia and Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Khairuddin Bin Khalid, Chief Financial Officer of Mobility One SDN BHB Malaysia was present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has signed an agreement with Prime Finance & Investment Limited for issuance of Right Share of the Bank. Mr. AAM Zakaria, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Akter H. Sannamat, Managing Director, Prime Finance & Investment Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their own company recently.
Among others, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Md. Rezaul Haque, Senior Vice President & Head of Merchant Banking Division, Prime Finance & Investment Limited were also present on the occasion.

An agreement was signed on January 4, 2010 between Dhaka Ahsania Mission and First Security Islami Bank Ltd in the Head Office of the Bank for distribution of remittance.
Mr. M. Ehsanur Rahman, Executive Director, Dhaka Ahsania Mission and Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. A A M Zakaria Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, President, Dhaka Ahsania Mission was present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Mr. Al Emran Chowdhury, Director (Marketing) & Head of Operation, LABAID Group for medical services on May 11, 2011. Among others, Mr. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Dr. Abunur Md. Masud, Coordinator & Head, Health Checkup & Corporate Services were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement with Molla Salahuddin Ahmed, AVP, Islami Bank Hospital of Co-ordinator Principal Office & Islami Bank Hospital in a ceremony recently. Among others, Dr. Md. Harun Ar Rashid, Superintendent, Islami Bank Central Hospital, Kakrail, Dr. Md. Hafizur Rahman, Superintendent, Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel and Moniruzzaman Chowdhury & Anamika Shabnam of First Security Islami Bank Limited were present on the occasion.

In order to accelerate foreign remittance countrywide received through MoneyGram First Security Islami Bank Limited signed a remittance agreement with NCC Bank Limited on 05 January 2012 at the Head Office premises of First Security Islami Bank Limited in Dhaka. Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus , Deputy Managing Director , First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Pijush Kanti Saha , Senior Executive Vice President , NCC Bank Limited signed on behalf of their respective institutions. Mr. Golam Hafiz Ahmed , Additional Managing Director and Mr. A.B.M. Jashim Uddin Ahmed , Vice President of? NCC Bank Limited and Mr. Syed Md. Waseque Ali , Deputy Managing Director? and Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Senior Vice President & Head of International Division and other High officials of FSIBL and NCCBL were present on the occasion.

To foster the economic growth of the country and to bring the inward foreign remittance of the expatriate Bangladeshis through proper banking channel First Security Islami Bank Limited signed a remittance agreement with SuperX10 Global Money, Australia on 01 January 2012 at the Head Office premises of First Security Islami Bank Limited in Dhaka. Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Senior Vice President & Head of International Division and Dr. Rashid Raashed, Managing Director of SuperX10 Global Money signed on behalf of their respective institutions. Managing Director, Deputy Managing Directors and other High officials of the bank were present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Mehreen Rahman, Head of Sales & Marketing, Ocean Paradise Hotel & Resort.? Employees & Clients will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among others, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an agreement with Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resorts. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Mr. Mahmud Ahmed Mamun, General Manager, Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resorts. Employees & ATM Card Holders will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among other Officials of both the organizations were present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Ltd.? (FSIBL) sings an agreement with Long Beach Hotel. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality service with Abul Kalam Azad, Managing Director, Long Beach Hotel.? Employees & ATM Card Holders will enjoy various privileges under this agreement. Among others, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP), First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mohammad Imran Humayun Khan, Manager, Sales & Marketing, Long Beach Hotel were present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an agreement with Building Technology & Ideas Ltd. (BTI). Under this agreement Employees & Clients of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) will enjoy exciting benefits ?Absolutely Free of Cost? as special customer of BTI such as Consultancy Facility, Extended Installment Facility (EIF), Customer Club Membership card that lets employees & Clients avail special privileges from a variety of retail outlets and service centers. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Ashique Un Nabi, General Manager- Marketing, Building Technology & Ideas Limited (BTI).? Other officials of both organizations were present on the occasion.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 50 Million with Mr. K. M. Mortuza Ali (ACII), Managing Director of Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited on December 03, 2012 at the Conference Room of the Bank. Among others, A. A. M Zakaria, Managing Director, Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, Head of Departments of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Dr. Mosharraf Hossain FCA, CEO of Prime Finance Capital Management Limited were present on the occasion.

10 October 2013 Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) signed an agreement with First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL). Under this agreement customers can deposit fees for participating in Government tender through any FSIBL Branches. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Amulya Kumar Debnath, Director General of CPTU. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank, Mr. Mosharraf Hussain, System Analyst of CPTU and other officials were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) sponsored 5,000 pcs. of International SIM Card at free of cost for Hajj Travelers. Those SIM Cards will be distributed among the Hajj Travelers from Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chittagong and Osmani International Airport, Sylhet. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL is seen exchanging MOU with Mr. Mohammed Irad Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Intraco Group on September 08, 2013 at First Security Islami Bank Limited, Head Office. Among others Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) and Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director? of FSIBL, Mr. Mohammed Shahjahan, Chief Operating Officer of Intraco Group, other officials were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an corporate agreement with Leatherex Footwear Industries Limited on 12 December 2013. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Mohammad Fahed Hossen, Area Manager, Leatehrex Footwear Industries Limited. Employees of FSIBL & Debit Card Holder will enjoy various privileges under this agreement from any outlet of Leatherex Footwear Industries Limited. Among others Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Mr. Rezoan Khan, Officer of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and Mr. Md. Firoz Alam, AGM of Leatherex Footwear Industries Limited were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an corporate agreement with Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited regarding Bangladesh Electronic Funds Transfer Network (BEFTN) on 08 January 2014. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Mr. Mr. Mohius Samad Choudhury, Director and Chief Operating Officer, Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited. Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited will enjoy various BEFTN facilities under this agreement. Among others Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy managing Director(s), Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Manager, Gulshan Branch, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Mohammad Abu Taher, BACH Manager of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Nirmal Chandra Sardar, Vice President-Finance of Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited were prese

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Employees with Mr. Md. A. Khair, Business Development Manager, Shahabuddin Medical College Hospital, Dhaka for medical services on May 07, 2014. Among others Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Mr. Rezoan Khan, Mr. Rashadul Alam Shakil, Officers, Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Noor Hossain, Senior Marketing Officer, Shahabuddin Medical College Hospital were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Employees and Debit Card Holders with Dr. Mohammed Yousuf, Managing Director, National Hospital Chattagram (PVT.) Ltd. & Sigma Lab Limited, Chittagong for medical services recently. Among others Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division, Branch Managers of Chittagong Division were also present on the occasion.

FSIBL Signed MoU with Intraco Limited to distribute 5,000 pcs. Free Saudi SIM Card to HAJJ Pilgrims. Those SIM Cards will be distributed among the Hajj pilgrims from Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka, Hajj Camp, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chittagong. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL is seen exchanging MOU with Mr. Mohammed Irad Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Intraco Group on September 09, 2014 at First Security Islami Bank Limited, Head Office. Among others Mr. S.M. Monir Ahmed, Director, Intraco Group, Mr. Mohammed Shahjahan, Chief Operating Officer of Intraco Group, Mr. Abdur Rahman, Assistant Manager, Corporate Sales & Marketing, Intraco Telecom Limited, Mr. A.F.M. Nazrul Islam, Mr. Rezwan Khan, Mr. Yasir Arafat, Mr. Rashadul Alam Sakil, Officers of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited were also present on the occasion.

Bangladesh Bank & First Security Islami Bank Limited signed a Participatory refinance agreement against Islamic Shariah-based financing to support ?Agro-based Industry?, ?Small Entrepreneurs (including women entrepreneurs)? and ?New Entrepreneurs in Cottage, Micro and Small Enterprise Sector? held on December 2, 2014 at Bangladesh Bank. Mr. Masum Patwary, General Manager, SME & Special Programms Department of Bangladesh Bank is exchanging agreement with Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Among others Mr. Md. Abul Kashem,Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Executive Vice President and Head of Investment Division, Mr.Shakhawat Hossain, Assistant Vice President, SME Cell and Mr. Santush Chandra Sarker, Senior Officer, Investment Division of FSIBL were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated Mobile Banking Services FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash at Bangladesh Skill Development Institute & Jobs Bd Dot Com recently. Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division of FSIBL, Mr. Abu Talab, EVP, Progoti Systems Limited, Mr. K M Hasan Ripon, Director, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute & Chief Operating Officer, Jobs Bd Dot Com is seen exchanging MOU in this regards. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division of FSIBL, Mr. K M Parvez, Assistant Director, Mr. Jahirul Islam Forhad & Mr. Abdul Hakim, Chief Instructor, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute, Mr. Md. Alauddin, Manager Operations, Jobs Bd Dot Com were also present on the occasion. From now, Guardians of students could pay tuition fees of their children easily anytime from their home through FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated Mobile Banking Services FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash at Swan Soft Limited (Bus Bd Dot Com & Launch Bd Dot Com) on 22 December 2014. Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of Information and Communication Technology Division of FSIBL, Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, Chief Business Officer, Progoti Systems Limited, Mr. Md. Siddiqur Rahman, Director (Marketing & Sales), Swan Soft Limited is seen exchanging MOU in this regards. Among others Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division of FSIBL, Mr. Talukder Sobur Ahmed, Director Technical, Swan Soft Limited were also present on the occasion. From now, Clients can buy Bus and Launch Tickets through FSIBL First Pay Sure Cash.

First Security Islami Exchange, Italy Remittance Sub-Agency Agreement Between FSIBL & Union Bank Limited. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL & Mr. Abdul Hamid Miah, Managing Director, Union Bank Limited is seen exchanging Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in this regards. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of ICT Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL, Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, AVP & In charge of International Division of Union Bank Limited & other officials of both the bank were also present on the occasion.

IME Remittance Sub-Agency Agreement has been signed between First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) &National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited (NCCBL) on 22 April 2015 at the Head Office of FSIBL. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL & Mr. Golam Hafiz Ahmed, Managing Director, NCCBL signed the agreement in this regard. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division of FSIBL and Mr. Akhter Hamid Khan , Deputy Managing Director, Mr. ABM. Jashim Uddin Ahamed , SVP, Remittance & NRB Services Dept. of NCCBL, & Mr. AKM. Nazmul Hossain, Country Manager, IME & other officials of both the banks were also present in the occasion.

On the presence of Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited; Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development of the bank is seen exchanging Corporate Health Care agreement for FSIBL Employees, Debit Card Holders & Relatives with Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Shamim, Diretor, Medical Services, Al-Helal Specialized Hospital Limited for medical services on 19 May, 2015. Among others, Mr. A.K.M. Abu Sagir Chowdhury, Head of General Services Division, Officers of Marketing & Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Md. Tarik Hossain, Business Consultant, Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Talukder, Business Development Manager of Al-Helal Specialized Hospital Limited were also present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf. On the presence of Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality services with Mr. Md. Sayedul Islam Bhuiyan, Head of Sales & Marketing, Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf. Under this agreement Employees of FSIBL will enjoy various privileges at Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf as feel like a Sultan at Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf. Among others, Mr. Ekrum Ullah, Head of Investment Administration Division were also present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Nokkhottrobari Resort & Conference Centre. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality services with Mr. Tauqir Ahmed, Managing Director, Nokkhottrobari Resort & Conference Centre. Under this agreement the honorable valued customers of FSIBL will enjoy various privileges at Nokkhottrobari Resort & Conference Centre. Others official of the bank were also present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Sayeman Beach Resort Ltd. On the presence of Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality services with Mr. Mohammad Imran Humayun Khan, Head of Sales & Marketing, Sayeman Beach Resort Ltd. Under this agreement the honorable valued customers and Employees of FSIBL will enjoy various privileges at Sayeman Beach Resort Ltd. Among others, higher official of the bank were also present on the occasion.

03 May, 21016 First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Hotel Amari Dhaka. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited is seen exchanging corporate agreement for hospitality services with Mr. Kelly Lewis, General Manager, Amari Dhaka. Under this agreement the honorable valued customers and Employees of FSIBL will enjoy various privileges at Hotel Amari Dhaka. Among others Mr. S. M Nazrul Islam, SVP, Head Office, Mr. A.K.M Abu Sagir Chowdhury, Head of General Services Division of FSIBL and higher official of the both organization were also present on the occasion.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signs an Agent Banking agreement with Socio Health and Rehabilitation Program (SHARP) for launching agent banking at Shirajganj. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited is seen exchanging corporate agreement with Md. Showkat Ali, Director of SHARP. Among other Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, Mr. Md. Golam Kibra, Deputy Director, Mr. Md. Salim Reza, Manager Admin, SHARP and other high officials of both companies were also present on the occasion.

Pubali Bank Limited signed a remittance drawing agreement with First Security Islami Exchange Italy, a subsidiary company of First Security Islami Bank Ltd, in the city recently. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd and Saiful Alam Khan Chowdhury, Additional Managing Director of Pubali Bank Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with US Bangla Airlines. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for smooth airline services with Md Shafiqul Islam, Head of Marketing & Sales, US-Bangla Airlines Ltd. Under this agreement FSIBL will enjoy travelling and various privileges by US Bangla Airlines.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Limited signed an agreement with Novoair Limited. Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing & Development Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging corporate agreement for smooth airline services with Mr. Sohail Majid, Head of Marketing & Sales, Novoair Limited. Under this agreement FSIBL will enjoy travelling and various privileges by Novoair Limited.

?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash? Education Payment Service of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been launched at Government Titumir College, Dhaka. From now, Students of Government Titumir College can pay their college fees and other payments through ?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash? Mobile Banking Service. Prof. Abu Haidar Ahmed Naser, Principal, Government Titumir College; Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd.; Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of their own organization in the tripartite agreement signing ceremony held on 06th September, 2016. Prof. Muhammad Enamul Haque Khan, Vice-Principal; Prof. Md. Ashraf Hossain, Editor, Teachers Council; other teachers of the Government Titumir College and other officials of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Progoti Systems Ltd. were also present on the occasion. The program was presided over by Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hossain, Head of Accounting Department, Government Titu

First Security Islami Bank Limited signed Agreement of Remittance Drawing Arrangement with Xpress Money Services Limited on January 23, 2017 at the Head Office of Xpress Money Services Limited located in Dubai, UAE. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. & Mr. Sudhesh Giriyan, Chief Operating Officer, Xpress Money Services Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. The clients of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. can receive remittance through Xpress Money Services Limited in cash over the counter as well as Bank Account credit.

First Security Islami Bank Limited is set to receive hajj registration fees from hajj for the year 2017. First Security Islami Bank Limited has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sonali Bank Limited at head office of Sonali Bank Ltd., Motijheel, Dhaka. Mr. Sarder Nurul Amin, DMD and Mr. Subhash Chandra Das, CFO, Sonali Bank Ltd., Mr. Abul Hossen, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Mr. Shahajada Basunia, Head of Public Affairs and Brand Communication Division, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mr. Shoeb Ahmed Masud, Director, Business Automation Ltd. were present on the signing ceremony. From now and onwards, hajj pilgrims can deposit their hajj fees at any branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd within stipulated time.

A Remittance Drawing Arrangement Agreement was exchanged between First Security Islami Exchange, Italy and Rupali Bank Limited on June 01, 2017 at Head Office of Rupali Bank Ltd. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. & Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan, Managing Director & CEO, Rupali Bank Ltd. exchanged the agreement on behalf of their own organization. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Md. Farhad Reza, Remittance In-charge, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. General Managers, Head Office and Deputy General Managers of Remittance Division of Rupali Bank Ltd. and other officials were present in the program. .

First Security Islami Bank Limited, LankaBangla Finance Limited & Progoti Systems Limited Signed an Agreement for providing Mobile Financial Services on June 07, 2017 at Head Office of LankaBangla Finance. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. Khwaja Shahriar, Managing Director, LankaBangla Finance Limited, Dr. Shahadat Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited signed in the tripartite agreement on behalf of their organization. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, Head of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking, Mr. Faridur Rahman Jala, FVP, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Mr. S. M. Abu Washib, Head of Liability, Mr. S.K.M. Atiqur Rahman Rasel, Cluster Head, LankaBangla Finance Limited, Mr. Abu Taleb, Chief Business Officer, Progoti Systems Limited and other officials were present in the program. Under this Agreement, Fisrt Security Islami Bank Ltd. will provide FSIBL Mobile Financial Services (FirstPay Sur

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and First Security Islami Exchange, Italy signed a remittance agreement to provide safe and prompt remittance services to expatriate Bangladeshis in Italy. Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid Miah, Managing Director & CEO of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited on behalf of First Security Islami Exchange, Italy exchanged agreement documents on June 01, 2017 at the Board Room of Islami Bank Tower, Dhaka. Top executives of both the companies including Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan FCA, Mr. Md. Mahbub-ul-Alam, Mr. Md. Shamsuzzaman, Mr. Abdus Sadeque Bhuiyan, Mr. J. Q. M. Habibullah, FCA and Mr. Md. Taher Ahmed Chowdhury, Deputy Managing Directors and Md. Shafiqur Rahman, Executive Vice President & Head of International Banking Wing of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Executive Vice Presid

First Security Islami Bank Limited and Pran-RFL Group signed agreement for Distributors? Payment Collection Services on July 17, 2017 at Head Office of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited and Mrs. Uzma Chowdhury, Director Finance, Pran-RFL Group signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director(s), Mr. Abdul Aziz & Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director(s), Divisional Heads of Head Office, First Security Islami Bank Limited, and high officials of Pran-RFL Group were present in the program. Under this Agreement, Distributors of Pran-RFL Group can deposit their sales proceeds to any branch of First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

First Security Islami Bank Limited and The Delta Quality Denims Limited signed an investment agreement on January 08, 2018 at The Westin Dhaka Hotel. In the presence of Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Managing Director & Manager of FSIBL Dilkusha Branch and Engineer A.K.M Faruque Ahmed, Chairman of The Delta Group Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organization. Among others, Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Divisional Heads of Head Office of First Security Islami Bank Limited and high officials of The Delta Quality Denims Limited were present in the program. The Delta Group is one of the largest export oriented garments industry in the country. A complete environment friendly largest green denim industry is going to be established at Zarun (south), Kashimpur, Gazipur under this investment project of First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL), Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) and Progoti Systems Ltd. (PSL) recently signed a tripartite agreement for collecting online Securities Balance Inquiry Registration Fees of CDBL through FSIBL Mobile Banking FirstPay SureCash. Mr. Shuvra Kanti Choudhury FCA, Managing Director of CDBL, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL and Mr. Md. Abu Taleb, Chief Business Officer of PSL signed the agreement on behalf of their organizations. Among others, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, VP and Head of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, VP of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking, Mr. Raquibul Islam Chowdhury, R&D Head of CDBL, Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Assistant Vice President of PSL, along with the other officials of three organizations were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) and Amber It Ltd. signed a corporate & mobile financial services agreement on 31 May 2018 at FSIBL Head office. Under this agreement, Amber It clients can pay their bills through any FSIBL branch and mobile financial services FirstPay SureCash. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL and Mr. Mohammad Aminul Hakim, Chief Executive Officer of Amber IT Ltd. exchanged the agreement on behalf of their organizations. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, VP and Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, VP of Agent Banking & Mobile Banking of First Security Islami Bank, Mr. Abul Kalam Sumsuddin, General Manager (Finance), Mr. A B M Moniruzzaman, General Manager (Operation) of Amber IT Limited along with the other officials of both organizations were present on the occasion

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed a Member Subscription Agreement with Fintech Innovations International DMCC , UAE . Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL and Ms. Azizunnessa Huq (Dolly), Executive Director, Fintech Innovations International signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on 02 July, 2018 at FSIBL head office. Among others, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, FSIBL, Mr. Sumit K Roy, Founder President & Chief Marketing Officer of Fintech Innovations International along with the other officials of both organizations were present on the occasion. Under the agreement, FSIBL will be able to use the web-based platform of TRADEASSETS for trade finance-related transactions to different banks.

?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash? Education Payment Service of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been launched at Government Shaheed Suhrawardi College, Dhaka. From now, Students of Government Shaheed Suhrawardi College can pay their college fees and other payments through ?FSIBL FirstPay SureCash? Mobile Banking Service. Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hossain, Principal, Government Shaheed Suhrawardi College; Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd.; Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Assistant Vice President & Head of Direct Sales, Progoti Systems Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of their own organization in the tripartite agreement signing ceremony held on 05th November, 2018. Prof. Masuda Sikder, Vice-Principal; Prof. Jahan Ara Begum, Secretary, Teachers Council; other teachers of the Government Shaheed Suhrawardi College and Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division, Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, Vice President, Alternative D

First Security Islami Exchange Italy S. R. L signed agreement of Inward Foreign Remittance Arrangement with Sonali Bank Ltd., Agrani Bank Ltd. and Social Islami Bank Ltd. in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on 8 November 2018 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Mr. Mohammad Shams-Ul Islam,?Managing Director & CEO of Agrani Bank Ltd., Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Managing Director & CEO of Social Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Quamruzzaman Chowdhury, Deputy Managing Director of Sonali Bank Ltd. were present in the ceremony. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair & Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director (s) of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. along with high officials were also present on the program. Under this agreement, expatriates of Italy can send their remittance through First Security Islami Exchange Italy S. R. L to Sonali Bank Ltd., Agrani Bank L

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) and Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR) signed an agreement for collection of tuition fees on 6 January 2018 at FSIBL head office. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL and Professor Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, Vice Chancellor, BRUR signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director and Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, FSIBL, Archt. Monzoor KH Uddin, Member, Planning & Works, and Mr. Md. Mottaleb Hossen, Deputy Director, Finance & Accounts, BRUR along with other high officials were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Exchange Italy S. R. L signed?agreement of Inward Foreign Remittance Arrangement with Bangladesh Krishi Bank in a simple ceremony organized in this regard on 11 February 2019 at?First Security Islami Bank Head Office. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Ali Hossain Prodhania,?Managing Director of Bangladesh Krishi Bank exchanged the agreement paper on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Mr. Md. Afzal Karim, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, General Manager, Bangladesh Krishi Bank and high officials of both organizations were also present on the program. Under this agreement, expatriates of Italy can send their remittance through First Security Islami Exchange Italy S. R. L to Bangladesh Krishi Bank favoring their beneficiaries in the form of cash pic

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL), Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI) and Progoti Systems Ltd. (PSL) recently signed a tripartite agreement for collection and disbursement of payment of BWCCI through FSIBL Mobile Banking FirstPay SureCash. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL, Mrs. Selima Ahmad, President of BWCCI and Dr. Md. Shahadat Ullah Khan, CEO, Progoti Systems Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their organizations. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair and Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director(s), Mr. Ali Nahid Khan, Head of Alternative Delivery Channel Division along with the other officials of three organizations were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) is seen exchanging Subscription Agreement of FSIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond amounting Tk. 20 Million with Mr. Md. Abul Basher Akhond, Managing Director of Pragati Life Insurance Limited recently. Among others Head of Finance & Accounts Division Mr. Md. Ashraful Haque FCA, Head of Marketing & Development Division Mr. Azam Khan of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Deputy Managing Director Mr. M. M. Monirul Alam Tapan, ?Assistant Managing Director & CFO Mr. Chandra Shekhar Das ACA, Senior Assistant General Manager, Finance & Accounts Division Mr. Majedur Rashid Chowdhury, Pragati Life Insurance Limited were present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) and Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) signed an agreement on Pre-Paid Meter Vending Through Mobile Billpay Service on January 03, 2022 at BREB Head Office. Mr. Md. Asafuddaula, Secretary, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board and Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. Md. Khayrul Hasan, Joint Secretary and Member (Finance), BREB, Mr. Md. Hossain Patwary, Director, Financial Monitoring (North) Directorate, BREB, Mr. Md. Fahim Uddin, Senior System Analyst, ICT Directorate, BREB and Mr. Md. Faridur Rahman Jalal, Head of Marketing and Business Development Division, FSIBL along with other officials of respective oranizations were present in the program. From now and on, FSIBL clients can pay their prepaid electricity bill of BREB through mobile phone and online payment system.

First Security Islami Bank signed an agreement with Robi Mobile Operator. Under this agreement, First Security Islami Bank will get corporate SIM connection, Bulk SMS services and Bank?s Mobile App ?FSIBL Cloud? user will enjoy free internet data in Robi mobile operator. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Md. Adil Hossain Nobel, Chief Enterprise Business Officer of Robi Axiata Ltd. exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Abdul Aziz and Md. Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director(s), Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the bank and Md. Fahmidul Hasan, Vice President, Md. Zulfiker Haider Chowdhury, General Manager, Md. Alamgir Kabir, Manager, Corporate Business of Robi along with other high officials were present in the occasion

Bangladesh Bank and First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently signed an participation agreement under refinance scheme for ensuring food security of the country. For increasing the food production and ensuring nutrition of the country, the investment will be distributed to the clients on easy terms and low profit rate. In the presence of Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder, Honb?le Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Director, Agricultural Credit Department of Bangladesh Bank exchanged the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Among others, Mr. A. K. M Sajedur Rahman Khan, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank along with other concerned officials also present in the program organized in this regard at Bangladesh Bank Head Office.


First Security Islami Bank PLC organized a two-day training course on ‘Managerial Functions and Leadership’ recently at the bank’s Training Institute to develop the professional skills and leadership qualities of its selected officials. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the bank was present in the training as chief guest. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIB, Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute along with other officials conducted several sessions in the program. A total of 50 officials of the bank participated in the course.

First Security Islami Bank PLC inaugurated a three-day long training program on ‘Managerial Functions and Leadership’ on 06 November 2024, Wednesday at the bank’s Training Institute with participation of its selected officials. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Chairman of the bank inaugurated the program as chief guest. In inaugural speech, he said that training program like this will be increased gradually to develop the quality of the employees of the bank. Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Additional Managing Director, Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute along with other officials were present in the program among others.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. inaugurated a training program on Legal Aspects of General Banking Operations with the participation of Chattogram North and Chattogram South zone officials of the bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, Head of Chattogram North Zone, Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, Head of Chattogram South Zone along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 54 officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank organized a training course on ‘Training of Trainers’ with the participation of executives and officers of the bank to build proficient leadership. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the program as Chief Guest. Amongng others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of FSIB Training Institute along with other faculty members were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank organized a training course on Cash Management and Operation with the participation of officials of the bank. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest in the inauguration ceremony of the program. Several sessions on the captioned topic were conducted in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of FSIB Training Institute along with other faculty members were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank organized a training course on Cash Management and Operation with the participation of officials of the bank. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest in the closing ceremony of the program. Several sessions on the captioned topic were conducted in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of FSIB Training Institute along with other faculty members were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank organized a training course on Cash Management and Operation with the participation of officials of the bank. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest in the inauguration ceremony of the program. Several sessions on the captioned topic were conducted in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal of FSIB Training Institute along with other faculty members were present in the program. 

First Security Islami Bank organized a daylong workshop on Anti Money Laundering & Combating Financing of Terrorism with the participation of Chattogram North and Chattogram South zone officials of the bank. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest in the closing ceremony of the workshop. Several sessions were conducted in the workshop on the topic of prevention of trade & investment-based money laundering and overview on anti-money laundering & combating financing of terrorism. Among others, Mr. Mohammed Hafizur Rahman, EVP and Head of Chattogram North Zonal Office, Mr. Mohammed Kamal Uddin, EVP and Head of Chattogram South Zonal Office, Faculty Member of Regional Training Institute, Chattogram of First Security Islami Bank were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank PLC organized ‘Refreshers Training Course’ recently at FSIB Training Institute with the participation of its officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank was present as Chief Guest in closing ceremony. In his speech, he has laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 60 officers of the bank participated in the course.

First Security Islami Bank inaugurated a training program on Skill Development of Sub Branch In-charges at FSIB Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 60 sub-branch in-charges of the bank participated in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated Refresher?s Training Course? recently at FSIBL Training Institute with the participation of its officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, The Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 30 officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated Refresher?s Training Course? recently at FSIBL Training Institute with the participation of its officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 30 officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated training program on General Banking Operations at FSIBL Barishal Zonal Office with a view to building the skillful human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Md. Mahbubor Rahman, Director, Bangladesh Bank Barishal inaugurated the training program as Chief Guest. Among others, Mr. Md. Abdur Rouf, Head of Barishal Zonal Office, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 41st Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 35 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank participating in the course.

Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) organized?a day-long training Program on ?Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing? in the Press Club Building of Chandpur. First Security Islami Bank Ltd. acted as the lead bank for organizing this program. 64 representatives of 33 scheduled banks of Chandpur district were present in the program.?Mr. Mohammad Mahbub Alam, Additional Director of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) inaugurated the training program as the chief guest. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director & Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer (CAMLCO) of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) presided over the program. Mr. Ruman Ahamed, Joint Director and Mr. Md. Faisal Kabir, Assistant Director of BFIU conducted sessions on various Issues of AML & CFT in the training program. EVP & Deputy Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer (DCAMLCO) of FSIBL Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Mr. Sham

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 63rd & 64th Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Junior Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 70 newly recruited Trainee Junior Officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 36th & 37th Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 70 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.  

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 34th & 35th Foundation Course on 20 September 2022 at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 70 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a training program on Cash Management at its Barishal Zonal Office on 17 September 2022 with a view to building experienced human resources for providing better banking services. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Abdur Rouf, Head of Barishal Zonal Office along with other officials were present on the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 61st Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers on 23 August 2022 at FSIBL Training Institute with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 31 newly recruited officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 65th & 66th Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 70 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 59th & 60th Foundation Course on 19 July 2022 at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Probationary Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 60 newly recruited officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 59th & 60th Foundation Course on 19 July 2022 at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Probationary Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 60 newly recruited officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a knowledge sharing session on Importance of D&B Rating and Interpreting a Business Information Report (BIR) on May 25, 2022 at FSIBL Training Institute, Dhaka with a view to building the skilled human resources for providing international trade services with mitigation of associated risk. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank was present as chief guest in the program. Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the First Security Islami Bank Ltd., Siddhartha Biswas, Regional Director & Head of Dun & Bradstreet South Asia & Middle East Ltd. and Sayaqua Moslem, Relationship Lead of Bangladesh Dun & Bradstreet Data & Analytics Private Ltd. discussed the importance of D&B Ratings and shown the interpretation of Business Information Report. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal of Training Institute along with other officials were present in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently inaugurated a workshop on reporting of SBS 1, 2 and 3 at its Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Shah, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 33 officers of the bank participating in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. recently inaugurated a workshop on reporting of SBS 1, 2 and 3 at its Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 28 officers of the bank participating in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated training program on Non Performing Investment & Recovery Strategies on 23rd August, 2021 through video conference with a view to building experienced human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 63 officers of the bank participating in the course.

The Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated recently by using digital platform. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. virtually inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. A.K Mojibur Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member(s) of Training Institute were present on the program.

  First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated training program on General Banking Operations on 14 March, 2021 at FSIBL Training Institute with a view to building experienced human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 35 officers of the bank participating in the course.

A day long workshop on ?Awareness on Shariah Compliant Investment? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. held on 19 August 2020 by using digital platform. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated and Professor Dr. Mohammad Gias Uddin Talukder, Chairman of Shariah Council conducted the workshop. Among others, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, Different Zonal Heads and Divisional Heads along with other officials were participated the workshop.

The Foundation Course for newly recruited probationary officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has recently been inaugurated by using digital platform at FSIBL Training Institute. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 38 newly recruited probationary officers participating in the course.

A 5-day long workshop on ?General Banking Operations? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated recently at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram were present on the program.

The 50th Foundation Course for newly recruited probationary officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on 21st January, 2020 at FSIBL Training Institute. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 38 newly recruited probationary officers participating in the course.

The Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited, ICT Division inaugurated recently at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Head of ICT Division and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the program.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a workshop on Investment Classification recently at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute and Mr. Md. Iftekhar Uddin, Head of Investment Monitoring & Recovery Division were present on the program.

A 3-day long workshop on ?Cash Management? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated recently at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Training Institute of the bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram was present on the program.

The 31st Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated on 16 November 2019 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal and Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program.

A 4-day long Training Program on ?Information & Communication Technology and Alternative Delivery Channel? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated recently at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Head of Information & Communication Technology Division and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram were present on the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 10 days long Pre-Managerial Training Course on 13 October 2019 at FSIBL Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Course. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal and Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program.

The 49th Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated on 12 Octobber 2019 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal and Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque and Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program.

A 5-day long Training Program on ?Investment Procedure? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated on September 22, 2019 at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram were present on the program.

The closing ceremony of 5-days long workshop on ?General Banking Operations? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. held on 28 August, 2019 at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the bank was present as chief guest in the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head, Mr. Md. Yahia Khan, Head of Internal Control and Compliance Division, Head Office, ?Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram were present in the program.

A 5-day long workshop on ?General Banking Operations? of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated recently at FSIBL Regional Training Institute, Chattogram. Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Chattogram Zonal Head of the bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman, Faculty Member of FSIBL Training Institute, Dhaka and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chattogram were present on the program.

A workshop on Leadership & Branch Management of First Security Islami Bank was held recently at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. Among others, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair and Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute were present on the program.

The 46th Foundation Course of Trainee Junior Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated at FSIBL Training Institute on January 13, 2019. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized a daylong workshop on ?Perfection of Securities? on 21 July, 2018 at Bank?s Regional Training Institute, Chittagong with the participation of branch managers and investment officers of 26 branches of Chittagong zone. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank inaugurated the program. Among others, Mr. Mohammaed Hafizur Rahman, Head of Chittagong zonal office, Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were present on the program.

The 41st Foundation Course for Trainee Junior Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has recently been inaugurated at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasis on building the bank as a modern islami bank, and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere to banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 30 Trainee Junior Officers are participating.

The 40th Foundation Course of Trainee Junior Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on October 07, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasize to build the bank as a modern Islami bank; he wished participants bright career and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 36 Trainee Junior Officers are participating.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has organized a 2 day-long workshop on ?Classification & Provision of Investment and Non Performing Investment & Recovery Strategies? started on September 24, 2017 at Bank?s Regional Training Institute, Chittagong. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the program. Among others Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Head of Chittagong Zonal Office and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were present on the program.

The 27th Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on September 16, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasize to build the bank as a modern islami bank; he wished participants bright career and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 50 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers are participating.

The 25th Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on August 17, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasize to build the bank as a modern islami bank; he wished participants bright career and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 36 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers are participating.

The 26th Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on August 17, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasize to build the bank as a modern islami bank; he wished participants bright career and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 30 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers are participating.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has recently organized Training on ?International Trade Payment and Finance?. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the training program at Bank?s Training Institute. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Head Office and Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present on the occasion. The officers of different branches of the bank participated in the training program.

Closing Ceremony of First Security Islami Bank Limited five day-long Training on ?Investment Procedure? held on May 17, 2017 at Bank?s Regional Training Institute, Chittagong. . Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was present in the closing ceremony as chief quest. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute, Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong Zonal Office and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were present on the program. The officers of the Chittagong zone of the bank participated in the program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has organized a five day-long Training on ?Investment Procedure? started on May 13, 2017 at Bank?s Regional Training Institute, Chittagong. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, Head of Investment Division, Head Office, Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong Zonal Office and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were present on the program. The officers of the Chittagong zone of the bank participated in the program.

The 23rd Foundation Course of Trainee Assistant Cash Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on May 14, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he laid emphasize to build the bank as a modern islami bank; he wished participants bright career and advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, the Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 50 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers are participating.

?22nd Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers? has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 29 April 2017. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank as a modern islami bank, wished participants bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member of Training Institute were also present on the occasion. 50 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers were participated in the training program.

38th Foundation Course for Trainee Assistant Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on 28th March, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank as a modern islami bank, wished participants bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 37 Trainee Assistant Officers are participating.

First Security Islami Bank Limited has organized a 5 day-long Training on ?international; Trade Payment and Finance? started on March 19, 2017 at Bank?s Regional Training Institute, Chittagong. Mr. Mohd. Humayun Kabir, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong was present as chief guest and Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. was present as guest of honor at the program. Among others, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal of Training Institute, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Head of Chittagong Zonal Office and Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were present on the program.

36th Foundation Course for Trainee Assistant Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on 14th January, 2017 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman & Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 38 Trainee Assistant officers are participating.

35th Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on 16th November, 2016 at FSIBL Training Institute. Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Additional Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the Foundation Course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Bank?s Deputy Managing Director Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this program, 23 newly recruited probationary officers are participating.

34th Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated on 16th October, 2016 at FSIBL Training Institute. Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank inaugurated the Foundation Course in presidency of Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others Bank?s Deputy Managing Director Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Principal of Training Institute Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Faculty Member Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque were present on the occasion. In this course, 33 newly recruited probationary officers are participating.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized an workshop on Anti Money Laundering ((AML),Combating the Finance of Terrorism (CFT) & Related Issues for BAMLCOs of the bank on 20 August 2016. Mr. Mohammad Naushad Ali Chowdhury, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank inaugurated the workshop. Among others Mr. Debaprosad Debnath, General Manager, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, Mr. Quazi Osman Ali. Additional Managing Director, FSIBL Mr. Md. Khairul Enam, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Abdul Aziz, DMD, Mr. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Training Institute, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were also present on the occasion. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director and CAMELCO of FSIBL presided over the workshop. It may be noted that, 211 Officers and All BAMLCOs of FSIBL branches and Head Office were participated on the workshop.

?33rd Foundation Training Course for Probationary Officers? has been concluded in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 11 August 2016. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank was present at the closing ceremony . Among others Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member, Training Institute, FSIBL were also present on the occasion. 34 Probationary Officers were participated in the training program.

?33rd Foundation Training Course for Probationary Officers? has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 16 July,2016.Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank was inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank, Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member of Training Institute were also present on the occasion. 34 Probationary Officers were participated in the training program.

Recently First Security Islami Bank Ltd organized 05 (Five) days long Training Program on Investment Procedure at First Security Islami Bank Regional Training Institute, Chittagong. Mr. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong inaugurated the workshop. Fifty Four (54) officers from different branches of Chittagong and Sylhet Zone participated in the training program. The program was presided over by Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty member, FSIBL Training Institute, Chittagong.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd organized 3 (three) days long workshop on Green Banking & Environmental Risk Management, Basel II, III & Related Issues & Financial Inclusion & CSR Activities at First Security Islami Bank Regonal Training Institute, Chittagong recently. Mr. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong inaugurated the workshop. Fifty Two (52) officers of Branches of Chittagong and Sylhet Zone participated in the workshop. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty member, FSIBL Training Institute, Chittagong.

21st Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on recently. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member of Training Institute, Mr. Shah. Mohd. Shoyeb Ali, SVP, Research & Development Division, FSIBL were also present on the occasion. 52 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers were participated in the training program.

20th Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 27th March, 2016. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member of Training Institute, Mr. Shah. Mohd. Shoyeb Ali, SVP, Research & Development Division, FSIBL were also present on the occasion. 34 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers were participated in the training program.

19th Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 10th January, 2015. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion. 35 Trainee Assistant Cash Officers were present in the training program.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized Workshop on Anti-Money Laundering & Related Issues at Regional Training Institute, Chittagong recently. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of the bank was present as Chief Guest on the occasion. Among others, Mr. Md. Wahidur Rahman, Zonal Head, Chittagong, Mr. Abdul Mannan, Head of Anti Money Laundering Division, Mr. Md. Redwan Ullah, Faculty Member, Regional Training Institute, Chittagong were also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized Preparation for Mutual Evaluation Anti Money Laundering Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) at Khulna Zonal Office recently. Mr. Md. Nazim Uddin, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Khulna inaugurated the workshop. Among others Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Zonal Head, Khulna, Mr. Abdul Mannan, Head of Anti Money Laundering Division were also present on the occasion. Mr. Prokash Chandra Bhadra, General Manager, Mr. Ashim Kumar Majumder, Deputy General Manager, Bangladesh Bank was delivered speech. It may be noted that, 39 Officers of Khulna & Rajshahi Zone branches were participated on the workshop.

31th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers (TAO) has been concluded in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute recently. Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director of the bank was present at the closing ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Institute.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd organized 3 (three) days Training workshop on Investment Risk Grading Calculation, Reasons for Classification of Investment and Follow up, Monitoring and Recovery of Investment at First Security Islami Bank Training Institute. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the workshop. Forty (40) officers of Investment Division, Head Office Dhaka Zone Branches participated in the training. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank. Training Institute. Among other Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member, FSIBL Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

17th Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 26 July, 2015. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank a Generous and Modern Islamic Banking and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

30th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Training Institute on 17 May 2015. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. 40 Trainee Assistant Officers were present in the training program. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

27th Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Bashundhara on 19 October, 2014. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director has given importance to build the bank as a generous and Modern Islamic Bank and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Organized a Workshop on ?Web Based Online Expo Form Matching? in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan recently. Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Mohammad Anisur Rahman, Deputy Director, Foreign Exchange Operation, Bangladesh Bank were present on the occasion.

13 November, 2011 ?Foundation Training Course for Cash Officers? inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr Md. Abdul Quddus, has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice and all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Baranch were also present on the occasion.

On 27 February, 2011 First Security Islami Bank Organized a Workshop on ?Web Based Online Expo Form Matching? in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center, Mr. Foiz Ahmed, Head of International Division, Mr. Anisur Rahman, Deputy Director, Foreign Exchange Operation, Bangladesh Bank were present on the occasion.

23 January, 2011 ?9th Foundation Course? inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Zakaria has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice and all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Baranch were also present on the occasion.

4 weeks long Foundation Training Course of First Security Islami Bank Limited was concluded on April 29, 2010 at Training Center, Gulshan, Dhaka. 35 Officers participated in the Training Course. Mr.AAM Zakaria, Managing Director of the Bank attended the Inauguration Ceremony as Chief Guest .The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi was also present on the occasion

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Conducted 4(Four) weeks long Foundation Course on ?Fundamental Laws, Regulations & Practice of Islami Banking?in its own training Center at Gulshan.Mr.A.A.M Zakaria Managing Director of the Bank attended the concluding Ceremony as Chief Guest and distributed Certificates among the Participants on 04th June 2009.The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi was also present on the Occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Conducted 20 days long Foundation Course on ?Fundamental Laws, Regulations & Practice of Islami Banking? from 18th October 2009, in its own training Center at Gulshan. Mr.Md.Sayedul Hasan, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank attended the Orientation Ceremony as Chief Guest .The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedin and all of participants were also present on the Occasion.

20 working days long Foundation Training Course titled ?Fundamental Laws, Regulations & Practice of Islami Banking? of First Security Islami Bank Limited was inaugurated on October 18, 2009 at Training Center, Gulshan, Dhaka. 35 Officers participated in the Training Course. Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank attended the Inauguration Ceremony as Chief Guest .The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi was also present on the occasion.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 54th Foundation Course on 23 November 2021 at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Probationary Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Mr. Abul Kalam Mojibur Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 28 newly recruited officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 38th & 39th Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 70 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank in two batches participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 40th Foundation Course recently at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 35 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. organized a workshop on ?Basic Concepts of Islamic Banking & Shariah Compliance? with the participation of banks different employees by using digital platform. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated the workshop and delivered his lecture on Islamic Banking operation and significance of complying Shariah in banking activities. Among others, Faculty Members of FSIBL Training Institute delivered their speech regarding the captioned subject.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated 42nd Foundation Course at FSIBL Training Institute for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 35 newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Limited inaugurated Refresher?s Training Course? recently at FSIBL Training Institute with the participation of its officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing better banking services. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Khair, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere in banking activities. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present in the program. There are 30 officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. inaugurated a training program on General Banking Operations with the participation of Sylhet and Cumilla Zone officials of the bank at FSIBL Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 30 officers of the bank participating in the course.

First Security Islami Bank PLC. inaugurated a training program on Internal Auditors and Muraquibs Role towards Universal and Shariah Banking with the participation of Executives of the bank at FSIB Training Institute, Dhaka. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the training program. Among others, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Principal along with Faculty Members of Training Institute were present on the program. There are 29 Executives of the bank participating in the course.

A Workshop titled ?Islami Banking Operations? of First Security Islami Bank Limited was organized on March 13, 2010 at FSIBL Rajshahi Branch. Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Center was the Chief Guest while Mr. Mokhlesur Rahman, Secretary General of Shariah Board of Islami Banks of Bangladesh was Special Guest.

30 days long Foundation Training Course titled ?Fundamental Laws, Regulations & Practice of Islami Banking? of First Security Islami Bank Limited was concluded on June 4, 2009, at Training Center, Gulshan, Dhaka. Mr.AAM Zakaria, Managing Director of the Bank attended the Closing Ceremony as Chief Guest .The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi was also present on the occasion.

20 days long Foundation Training Course titled ?Fundamental Laws, Regulations & Practice of Islami Banking? of First Security Islami Bank Limited was inaugurated on January 10, 2010 at Training Center, Gulshan, Dhaka. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the Bank attended the Inauguration Ceremony as Chief Guest .The Principal of the Training Center Mr.Yusuf Haroon Abedi was also present on the occasion.

4 weeks long workshop on ? Foundation Course? was held in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. 35 participants were present in the workshop including some Executives of the bank. This course was inaugurated by Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria? Managing Director of the bank. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Zakaria has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice and all to be honest and sincere in their caree

Recently ?10th Foundation Course? inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Zakaria has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice and all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center was also present on the occasion.

03 April, 2011 ?Foundation Training Course for Cash Officers? inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Zakaria has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice and all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Baranch were also present on the occasion.

?Foundation Training Course for Cash Officers? inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan recently. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Zakaria has given importance to build the bank a generous and Mordern Islamic Banking and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Center & Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Baranch were also present on the occasion.

Workshop on?Risk Based Capital Adequacy for Banks in Line with Basel-II? A day long workshop on ?Risk Based Capital Adequacy for Banks in Line with Basel- II? for the high level Executives of the First Security Islami Bank Ltd was held recently at its Training Centre, Gulshan, Dhaka. It was attended by the Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank Mr. S K Sur Chowdhury as main guest speaker along with Mr. Shahriar Siddiqui, Deputy Director of Bangladesh Bank as associate. Mr. A A M Zakaria Managing Director of the Bank also spoke in the workshop. Principal of the FSIBL Training Centre Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi co-ordinated the workshop.

Workshop on ?Forgery or Counterfeited on Cheques (Security Documents)? inaugurated recently in the First Security Islami Bank Training Center, Gulshan. Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Centre inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Saiful Hasan Chowdhury, SAVP & Manager Operation, Dilkusha Branch of the bank was also present on the occasion.

Workshop on "Modes of Investment, Investment Procedures and Observations on Major Irregularities of Islamic Banking Operation under Islamic Shariah" was concluded recently. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present at the closing ceremony at FSIBL Training Centre as Chief Guest. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Centre. Among others Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Branch of the bank was also present on the occasion.

Workshop on "Modes of Investment, Investment Procedures and Observations on Major Irregularities of Islamic Banking Operation under Islamic Shariah" was concluded recently. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present at the closing ceremony at FSIBL Training Centre as Chief Guest. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Centre. Among others Mr. Syed Habib Hasnat, Manager, Gulshan Branch of the bank was also present on the occasion.

Training Centre of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) has recently organized a 4 day?s long workshop on ?Modes of Investment, Investment Procedures and Observations on Major Irregularities of Islamic Banking Operation under Islamic Shariah from 13-16 June 2011 for Head of Branch, Operation In-charge & Investment Officer at its Agrabad Branch. Mr. Naushad Ali Chowdury, General Managerof Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong Office, inaugurated the workshop as the chief guest. Among others, EVP & Zonal Head, Chittagong Zone of FSIBL? Mr.?Quazi Osman Ali was also present at ?the inaugural ceremony special Guest and Principal of the Bank?s Training Centre Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi chaired the ceremony as well as ?co-ordinated the same.

10th Foundation Training Course of Officers of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) was concluded recently. Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present at the closing ceremony at FSIBL Training Centre as Chief Guest. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Centre.

Foundation Training Course of Cash Officer of First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) was concluded on April 13, 2011 Mr. Md. Abdul Quddus, Deputy Managing Director, First Security Islami Bank Limited was present at the closing ceremony at FSIBL Training Centre as Chief Guest on April 13, 2011. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Training Centre.

Training Centre of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL) has recently organized a 4 day?s long workshop on ?Modes of Investment, Investment Procedures and Observations on Major Irregularities of Islamic Banking Operation under Islamic Shariah from 13-16 June 2011 for Head of Branch, Operation In-charge & Investment Officer at its Agrabad Branch. Mr. Naushad Ali Chowdury, General Manager of Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong Office, inaugurated the workshop as the chief guest. Among others, EVP & Zonal Head, Chittagong Zone of FSIBL? Mr.?Quazi Osman Ali was also present at? the inaugural ceremony as Special Guest and Principal of the Bank?s Training Centre Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi chaired the ceremony as well as? co-ordinated the same.

24th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers (TAO) was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Bashundhara recently. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director has given importance to build the bank as a generous and Modern Islamic Bank and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

25th Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Bashundhara on 31 August, 2014. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director has given importance to build the bank as a generous and Modern Islamic Bank and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

26th Foundation Course for newly recruited Probationary Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Bashundhara on 31 August, 2014. Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria, Managing Director has given importance to build the bank as a generous and Modern Islamic Bank and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

?14th Foundation Training Course for Trainee Assistant Cash Officers? has been inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute on 12 January, 2015. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of the Bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, he has given importance to build the bank a Generous and Modern Islamic Banking and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

28th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Training Institute recently. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of the bank inaugurated the course. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

29th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Officers was inaugurated in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute, Bashundhara on 01 March, 2015. Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, Managing Director (Current Charge) of the bank inaugurated the course. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali has given importance to build the bank as a generous and Modern Islamic Bank and advice all to be honest and sincere in their career. Among others Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute was also present on the occasion.

17th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers (TACO) has been concluded recently in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of the bank was present at the closing ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Training Institute.

First Security Islami Bank Limited organized Preparation for Mutual Evaluation Anti Money Laundering Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) at FSIBL Training Institute on 03.10.2015. Mr. Dev Proshad Dev Nath, General Manager, Anti Money Laundering Division, Ms. Shahana Ferdousy, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank inaugurated the workshop. Among others Mr. Md. Mustafa Khair, Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Yusuf Haroon Abedi, Principal, Training Institute, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. were also present on the occasion. It may be noted that, 51 Officers of Dhaka Zone branches and Head Office were participated on the workshop.

18th Foundation Course for newly recruited Trainee Assistant Cash Officers (TACO) has been concluded recently in the First Security Islami Bank Training Institute. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of the bank was present at the closing ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Yousuf Harun Abedi, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Training Institute.

On 07 February, 2016 First Security Islami Bank Ltd organized 5 (Five) days Training workshop on Investment Procedure at First Security Islami Bank Training Institute. Mr. Quazi Osman Ali, Additional Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the workshop. Forty (40) officers of Dhaka City Branches participated in the training. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Atiur Rahman, Principal, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Training Institute. Among others, Mr. Md. Zahurul Haque, EVP & Head , Mr. Md. Jahangir Mollah, VP, Investment Division and Mr. Muhammad Lutful Haque, VP and Faculty Member, FSIBL Training Institute were also present on the occasion.